
Is anyone else bored out of their mind?

by  |  earlier

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because I am! It's after midnight and I can't sleep.





    ugh i need to find a good party to go to or something. asap fo sho!


  2. I'm bored that's why I'm on yahoo answers

  3. Well our videos can entertain for about 30 minutes.... You dont have to favorite or comment or subscribe if you don't want to but that would make us happy!!!! Here's the link!!!!!!

  4. Give me your number and I'll sing you a lullaby until you drift off.  Got any requests?

  5. I'm on YahooAnswers only when I am bored, it keeps me really entertained! I love answering the questions with pictures included, its so much fun : )

  6. Try a cup of warm milk. It really does work.

  7. no I'm having a good time answering questions. You can ask for jokes if you want some laugh.

  8. i am rarely bored.

    i read and draw and work an am interested in all things.

    what do you think of when you daydream?

    whatever it is, find it in this world.

  9. so bored. i should sleep.. but forget that when i can be bored on yahoo answers! hahahaha.. yeah..

  10. sit in front of the tv for a while.  hopefully there won't be anything good on so it'll make you sleepy.  or eat some cereal (the milk sometimes makes people sleepy).  ummmmmm.  i can't think of anything else at the moment.

    also... if you don't have any reason to wake up early tomorrow, don't worry about falling asleep as soon as possible!  haha :)

    i hope i was helpful.

    good luck!

  11. cool

  12. me

  13. I sprained my ankle and can't do much...I'm so bored...that's why I'm here!

  14. 10:44 pm

    ehh, a little, but kind not really

  15. yes I am, well just broke up with the man of my dreams and having a hard time staying focused so I started this stuff, and it seems to be working a little.

  16. well, i could sleep, but i am not gonna, and yes, i am bored too. i only have 4 days till my freshmen year starts and i am staying up late well i still can

  17. No. I almost never am bored. When I am not working my regular job, I am working at home on my own business which involves sewing items and selling them. When I am on the computer for my business, I like to pop in to YA also and check out the questions.

    I barely have time to even relax, let alone get bored. If you also count time with family (very important to me), house chores, time for sleeping & eating, errands, etc....there just isn't time to be bored. If I ever found that I have nothing to do, well, I would just create something to do. Plus, I like to read each night before I fall asleep.

  18. lol yeah its 12:43 right now for me. n im also bored, so im eatin :)

  19. its only 9 42 down here haha  

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