
Is anyone else bummed that it's almost time to go back to school?

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My friend, whose mom works at our school, said that we go back on September 2! The day after Labor Day! Now I don't know if any of you get a little break after Labor Day or if you go back right after, but we usually get 2 or 3 days off before we go back. I know it's not a huge difference but those 3 lost days are 3 less days in my summer where I can stay up late and sleep in. Cuz now I have to get back on my regular school sleep schedule and that's pretty hard, well for me anyways. This summer has just gone by way too fast. First it was the school supplies out in June then it was mostly rainy here in July so we couldnt do a lot then and now we go back to school earlier then we had planned. It's just kinda sad to me. Especially since I just finished my freshman year in high school and that was pretty stressful and I can use every summer day I can get.




  1. wow luckyyy my friens staryted the 4tth of august,,,today!!!!!!! but me till the 25 of august, and yheaaaa such such suchhhh a BUMMMERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


  2. You really should be happy, my school starts on the 18th!! I'm bummed too but I like the schedule and order of school, plus I can see all the friends I missed during summer, Hope you enjoy the weeks you get more than me and your sophomore year!

  3. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm so excited to go back to school, because I have a lot to look forward to. Most people I've spoken to have the same feeling, but that just might be due to the fact of lack of things to do around my city haha. You know though that if you think of the things you can't wait to get back to (ex: clubs, sports, favorite classes...) it will help you get a little bit more excited for school.  

  4. same here... it's not like i hat school or anything it's just i don't like the homework or the tests and sometimes the teachers.... but the good thing about school is i get to hang out with friends..although i would rather hang out with them in the summer. Well it has to happen, and you're lucky i go back August 20th and no extra 3 days! So enjoy your longer summer days than me! haha (:

  5. Not really because I'm starting college! So much better than high school! :D

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