My friend, whose mom works at our school, said that we go back on September 2! The day after Labor Day! Now I don't know if any of you get a little break after Labor Day or if you go back right after, but we usually get 2 or 3 days off before we go back. I know it's not a huge difference but those 3 lost days are 3 less days in my summer where I can stay up late and sleep in. Cuz now I have to get back on my regular school sleep schedule and that's pretty hard, well for me anyways. This summer has just gone by way too fast. First it was the school supplies out in June then it was mostly rainy here in July so we couldnt do a lot then and now we go back to school earlier then we had planned. It's just kinda sad to me. Especially since I just finished my freshman year in high school and that was pretty stressful and I can use every summer day I can get.