
Is anyone else concerned that we have a adulterous drug abusing blind man as Governor of N.Y.??

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Is anyone else concerned that we have a adulterous drug abusing blind man as Governor of N.Y.??




  1. In this day in age it would appear that a lot of people have skeletons in every closet. Our President didn't give up drinking till he was 40 and that kills an awful lot of brain cells. The money scammed from Wall Street by some CEOs,what about that? Didn't some of that belonged to you? What about the Preachers running with g*y prostitutes and all the affairs these men are having. We expect more now than ever before but the fact that someone comes forward and tells the truth about what they have done in the past shouldn't be held against them. Your last Governor should go to jail but this new one is honest and up front. Please don't bring adulterous affairs into this as they seem to abound in your state and everywhere for that matter.  He doesn't appear to be out to get everyone and it would seem he may be an asset to the state. What do you suggest, we stone him to death. This country is a great place, this kind of talk is what tears all of it's good citizens apart. If you are without sin cast the first stone.

  2. We have a mass murderer in the White House who also is a convicted drug user and drunk driver.  His VP shot a guy in the face when drunk.  So what if NY has a former drug user?  NY seems to be getting better than the nation as a whole.

  3. im concerned. im a former new yorker. It seems that every day that passes by this guy has more stuff to reveal. not even 24 hrs passed his swearing in, we had to hear about affairs. Now cocaine. what's next? another mcgreevey?

  4. Those Dems sure know how to get the proper people into government, dont they?

  5. it is a sad state to see this for sure...remember there are no more morals in having a public office anything goes these sad it is to see

  6. no worse than the drug abuser trying for the white house

  7. shout maybe somebody will here

  8. I'm wondering about his motives.  Why expose so much, so early?

    To be fair, he no longer uses (not abuses) drugs or commits affairs.  And I'm not sure why we should be concerned that he's blind, we should be applauding that.

  9. Sure - I'm sick of all the slime ball politicians (e.g., Obama, Hillary)

  10. Take the blind part out of  it, he couldn't help that.

    The rest of it....well, NY, you got what you voted for.

  11. You had an adulterous President. You survived. For Governor this adulterous drug abusing blind (why did you not say that too!) should be good enough.

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