
Is anyone else disgusted with Phelps' chatting and giggling during the National Anthem?

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Apparently winning gold is such a commonplace occurrence now that the Almighty Phelps feels he has license to disregard the anthem of the country he represents. Yes, he's a phenomenal swimmer, but from all that I've seen, and by his own description, he consists of eating, sleeping, and swimming. Certainly there appears to be no room in his busy schedule for respect or humility or gratitude.




  1. i really could care less

  2. whooo cares?? really though.  

  3. You're overreacting. I did notice this and though that it was wrong. BUT, however, maybe he was just so thrilled again to be up on that gold platform that he was just overwhelmed with joy. I don't know, maybe you're right.  

  4. yea! i mean that is bad for his country, doing that he looked arrogant as if he was saying "hey look at me, I'm so great that i don't even have to pay respect to my country". i wonder if he even knows the words??

  5. he consists of eating, sleeping, and swimming - ROFL ! MEGALOL :)

    actually success comes to your mind and spoils you. its just a matter of time. sooner or later phelps becomes proud. younger will come and younger will win

  6. He is not chatting and giggling. You make him sound like he is a five year old girl.

    He is smiling and letting out a little bit of laughter. Maybe that is because he is happy and he certainly deserves to be. He is the greatest athlete of all time and now he can be recognized for it. I'm sure if you won as many gold medals as he did that you would be smiling and laughing too.

    Some people laugh when they are the center of attention in a large crowded area. I do.

    Why are you concerned with an Olympian's schedule?

    If you have negative things to say about Phelps, only say them if they are true.

  7. I completely agree that it was utterly disgraceful. Until that point, I was so excited for him and the pride he must feel for getting on that podium again. I was actually cringing as I watched him TALK and laugh DURING the song. It is disrespectful to every soldier who has fought and/or given their life for this country. It embarrasses me and makes me worry about the youth today and their lack of understanding about what that song and flag mean.  

  8. I also watched the medal ceremony, and actually said "you're disgusting" to the TV when Phelps and the guy next to him were talking and Phelps was laughing during the national anthem.  Obviously, his medals are about HIM and not about his country.  I really can't believe that the media didn't pick up on that and criticize him.

  9. I agree with you to an extent. People don't have to show respect in the same way - by being solemn during the national anthem. Maybe winning all those gold medals for the US is respect in a way. We can't force people to act a certain way or another, because then we'd be no different from China. Sorry to sound all preachy and c**p, but it's rather late and I can't think too well.

  10. Yup. I was watching and couldn't believe my eyes! It even looked like the other guy was a little uncomfortable that he was talking to him. I'm a swimmer myself and I am always astounded at Phelps' talent, but I will probably no longer be a fan. It was disrespectful, they are there representing their country. If I was his mother I'd have walked right down there and gave him a good talking too. Do you think any of those other countries would act like that during their anthems? No because they know its disrespectful! Anyone who says, "who cares, he's such an amazing swimmer and he rocks," is basically saying that having talent gives you free course to do whatever you want. That is ignorant and very immature.

    To the orig. poster, thanks for posting this! I've been looking for something about it all night!  

  11. He talked right until they started. He did not say a thing during. Maybe he smiled and giggled, but it's an achievement that he should be ecstatic about. You seem to only be looking for flaws in the man, which I guess you can do, but everyone makes mistakes. He got a DUI when he was 19, I'm sure you like that info too.

    The national anthem is not a particularly great song, its there for tradition. If you had to listen to it 5 times a day for a week I'm sure you would talk to your teammate that you just conquered the world record with. Also he has ADHD, gosh, what a jerk he is...

  12. what are all of these people talking about?????   every fan of phelps is trying to point out his achievements and athletic abilities. the question has to  do with his character. and its disrespectful and sad. talking through the national anthem was a disgrace and any soldier of the united states would tell you the same.  that song is written and sung for every single soldier that has given his life to his country. michael pheps  is one amazing athlete. but he doesnt have much class. i thought it was awful.

  13. you sound jealous though, lol yeah he does do that during the anthem but you dont have to be so harsh about it. chill out. yeah i mean it does make me wonder what hes saying or giggling about but who cares??

  14. shut up and ignore your jealousy Only haters like you would focus on something like that.

  15. Really you can't believe that he was disregarding the anthem? Please don't tell me you really think that. Have you ever been so excited you can't stop smiling or laughing? Apparently not. His relay had just SMASHED the world record by 5 seconds, and he is out there representing his country, which is what playing the national anthem displays.  

  16. oh enough of him already

  17. I was completely disgusted.  I was watching the medal ceremony, and he was, in fact talking to the swimmer next to him.  I guess he feels he's done it enough, and it just doesn't matter.  Everyday when i hear the national anthem, I stop and pay my respects.  He just lost alot of credibility with me.

  18. Yeah I would sing God Bless America after wiinning loads of gold medals

  19. hey i wouldnt be too concerned with that disrespect.  The way i see it, the guy can't even talk normally, he seems to be handicapped.

  20. No, I wouldn't say that I was "disgusted." That's harsh.

    I was wondering what he (and the guy next to him, i don't remember his name) saw that was funny. I'm sure something happened. He laughed a few days ago during the national anthem, because of a few technical difficulties and glitches in getting the U.S Nation Anthem to play properly.

    I think he is amazing. I was in awe. I think he might be half fish. I also thought it was sweet that he walked into the stands last night and gave his mother the bouquet of flowers. =)

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