
Is anyone else disillusioned with what's going on with YA and Bristol Palin?

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I am a Dem and aren't we supposed to be the kind, concerned group of people that understand that we all fall short? Why are Libs condemning this child? We as parents can teach and talk until we are blue in the face. Doesn't mean it's going to work.




  1. McCain deserves a little credit.  He says he knew about the skeletons.  If you think FOR ONE MINUTE the GOP hasn't tried to lay the same kind of dirt on OBAMA....It's not going to be pretty....we knew this was coming precisely because NO ONE knew who this person was....

  2. Thank You. I think using her daughter is pretty low. And that goes for anyone who uses people's children as a political argument.  

  3. The stuff going on in YA about this is disgusting.  The Palin's private lives are not an issue.

  4. Yahoo!Answers is not the place for civility on any side of any debate.

    And after the "Surprise" Nominee for Vice President gives us this other surprise, there is bound to be some cruel backlash.

    That being said, this whole thing is going to be a mess for the Republicans.

  5. I was becoming disillusioned that there were no intelligent, mature Democrats left.

    Thank you!!

  6. Just reaffirms to me that the liberal democrats are the bottom of the barrel and if you want to know how evil and gross they can get just read their questions here.  I actually liked Obama at first, but if he attracts the filth that I see on here, I can do without.

  7. No. We are condemning Palin for her lack of family values, not practicing what she preaches.

    As a conservative I will be voting BOB BARR for sure now.

    I'm sick of liberal rino McCain and his liberal politically correct choice to choose an inexperienced woman. No we pay the consequences.

  8. I wish I cold say I was disillusioned  Unfortunately it just reinforces what I've observed.  Thanks for your candor.

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