
Is anyone else embarrassed to be a kiwi due to the over the top reaction of new zealanders to a game of rugby?

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on the day they lost to the french.. well lets just get on with supporting the teams left in the competition




  1. no I am not embarrassed to be a Kiwi. We are a nation of keen Kiwi supporters of the ALL BLACKS. We are gutted.

    The French played better on the day the Ref (from England) and the Linesman (from South Africa) had a shocker of a game. But then they get to watch their teams play on now. Maybe the IRB should watch this in future world cup matches.

  2. Atention with the PUMAS of Argentine. Fantastic team also.

  3. I'm an American and I almost had a stroke when the All Blacks lost.It was a horrid day.

  4. no , not embarrassed, but kinda proud that atleast we are not that dumd yet.

    i feel sad but still feel for it........

  5. I agree with Ashar/97 Im so over the All Blacks loss...roll on 2011 =) I mean come on its understandable that other Kiwis are still a bit gutted right now..we are very passionate about our Rugby.

    I'm still an All Blacks fan all the way =) And I've been watching the World Cup from the start and will continue to til the finish.  

    I will be supporting the Springboks, I've been very impressed with their performance in the tournament so far =)  This is the Bokke's year to win it...Woohoo!! Go the Springboks..Bring the Cup back to the Southern Hemisphere..please defend Australia and New Zealand's honor..avenge us..restore our pride!

  6. i cant even talk bout this..this is wat like da fourth time the all blacks hav gone into in world cup as fav and lost early..graham henry waz like da best coach they eva jus gonna blame it all on poor refereeing...france would hav neva won if the referee spotted da forward pass...the all blacks hav won like practically 46 out of 50 games played so far..but i guess im happy coz the aussies r out too...typical kiwi competition..but gutted dat the fijians lost.. theres no otha team dats from da sthrn hemisphere now...hope argentina wins!!!

  7. Embrassed by my fellow kiwi's reactions?, Never, shows that we are passionate spirited people who come together for the one cause!  Now we're out, lets support the Frogs!

  8. By even asking this question, you are evidently not a rugby fan.

    The size of a person's reaction to how the All Blacks perform is indicative of how much they care - and any kiwi who is indifferent to the fact that the All Blacks have put in their worst performance at a Rugby World Cup EVER clearly has no interest in rugby and shouldn't bother talking about it.

  9. ease up turbos ! I support the aussies and we were rolled by the POMs , at least the beers cold our end of the world  . 4 years to go lads

  10. Should I be? At the end of the day, its only just a game, I think everyone is just over-reacting and so attached to the all blacks winning all the time, that when the rarerity happens, it's hard to swallow! Thats the nature of sport, you win some, you lose some! Take it on the chin and man-up boys!

  11. well, I am a Kiwi, I`m certainly not embarrassed, because,the so called over the top reaction, doesn`t really exsist in the lives of most  Kiwis,I mix with hundreds, every day, none i met ,today,are overly concerned ,and reaction has been, we lost ,so what.

    It`s just another example of the NZ media,possibly, the Worlds`s best at making huge issues out of nothing,particularly ,TV3 ,TV1 and their company radio stations .

    NZ is a small country and apart from our disproportionate crime , not an awful lot ,out of the ordinary happens, so our media, have to make big dramas out of anything they can.

  12. Can never be embarrassed to be a Kiwi, the eyes of the world watch us because we are leaders, not followers we have the best of everything, humour,fishing,hunting,diving, the great outdoors(n indoors)freedom to do what we want, when we want, we got the best mates across the ditch in Samoa oops! Fiji oops ! damm, i mean in Australia and we all have a passion for our own SILVER FERN on anything BLACK (or silver for that matter) that has to do with any sport, so we lost a game, we've lost before and we goin to lose again it's no big deal... everyone to their own, some react hard,  some don't... in 2 months we will have all moved on  and no matter where you are in the world you will be proud to be a Kiwi in this big wild world again.   Go the Aussies  (oops, thats right you out to)   Go the French !!  you deserve it !!!!

  13. Not embarrassed at all, some hardcore AB supporters are just expressing there loss differently, h**l yeah I hate the fact that we lost however I also have a day job so am over it already...... they'll get over it....... eventually!

    edit:smarty_pants SAs still in there they are south....

  14. I am not embarressed about anything, we lost , end of story

    Please advise exact numbers , names and addresses of oiver reacting kiwis. If you cant you are obvisouly blindly following the media bulls hit

  15. Yes,I am embarrassed about the attitude people are showing towards Graham henry and the All Blacks . They tried and came up short .I am Gutted but I will get over it and support the All Blacks next year . People need to get a life.

  16. Kiwis needn't be embarressed. They battle to win the World Cup lately - but win most everything else. Your time for World Cup glory will come again. Hopefully this is our World Cup.Proud Bok Supporter

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