
Is anyone else enraged that the freaking chinese gymnastics team used under aged girls?

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It just absolutely pisses me off! Not to mention that they purposely made one of our girls wait 15 minutes for one of her routines, so she ended up falling on her ***!




  1. Nope! Couldn't care less.

  2. YES!! I was also sooo mad that Shawn was screwed on her floor and beam!! The underaged chinese girl had at least 4 balence checks and a lower difficulty level and Shawn only had one because of a really really difficult move and they still got the same amount of deductions. I think that those girls should be disqualified because that is soooo unfair. It is obvious they are not 16!! I think the judges hate the US and love the chinese so they let a bunch of stuff slide for them including a major thing, that they are too young to compete in the olympics!!! Words cannot describe how outraged I am about this situation!!

  3. not really would'nt that just mean that they're more prepared

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