I'm sick of people saying they're ____-american. I think it seperates races even more because I have been to areas that are dominantly white, dominantly black, and a mix of all races... and i've learned that a lot of people (especially white people) feel wrong not saying -american to describe a color... even if the person's not from america (i've heard a woman doing a documentary on slavery refer to the africans as african-americans before they had even been captured) . I think the best thing to do would be to get rid of hypen american before we forget that we're all american. because if being american isn't enough for anyone than they should just go back to their non hyphenated roots. . I'm not going to call anyone else african-american or asian american or native american. because as a patriot with a rainbow of friends, there's no better title than AMERICAN! does this get anyone else heated up?