I think the main problem Dr Frank has with Homeopathy is Doctors like himself have a fear of believing in any medicine where there is not always a proven scientific set of results to back up the remedy. Whilst I do understand Dr Franks point of view to a certain extent; Dr Frank should kindly keep quiet about what he doesn't have the knowledge to talk about. Conventional medicine will only ever treat the symptom of an illness. Homeopathy treats the problem and has proven effective for millions of people. Also don't you find his arogence and excuse for his rudness annoying?his excuse is,"who would you rather have, a doctor that was right or a doctor that was liked? How about one that is polite yet truthful? The words power trip come into mind.. What are your views?
I'm sure Dr Frank will have one of his, 'copy and paste' answers for this one!
Rhianna x