
Is anyone else fed up with people using this forum to make political statements?

by  |  earlier

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I, personally, am tired of reading political statements desguised questions like: why do liberals hate America? Why do conservatives want to destroy democracy? Why is president Bush trying to take over America? Why does Obama want to see America fail?

Get over yourselves people. If you want ask a legitimate question then ask it, but if you want to make a political statement then go to Rush Limbaugh or Keith Oberman’s website.




  1. You just made a political statement. So did I.

  2. I am not. This is a free country and it's wonderful to hear people's opinions.

  3. If you look closely, you might see a colon preceeding the political comments, which means he's citing examples, not ranting, at least not about politics.

    Once again, don't be too hard on him.  He's just trying to draw your attention to the guidelines that Yahoo so graciously implemented for us.  There are other Yahoo forums for people so inclined to rant till their collective hearts are content.

    Yahoo Guidelines

    Don't use Yahoo! Answers as a soapbox to vent your frustrations, rant, or otherwise violate the question and answer format.

    Kindly find a Yahoo Chat Room that suits you and rant till you're hoarse, and have yourself a great time.

    Oh, and those that give a thumbs down are the same folks that can't imagine rules actually applying to them.

  4. People like to vent. I think both sides are very upset at the other as well as there own party.

  5. I agree. Real questions are much more interesting.

  6. Fed up?

    Vomit now!

  7. It might be a bit annoying, but it makes this place fun to read on both sides.

  8. Each question that a person asks on here is a real question.  Just because you have your view of what you may think is a legitimate question and what is not, does not give you the right to tell us to go to another sites.  Everyone has an opinion or a concern or a question.  You actually made a political statement by asking why people make political statements on here and not questions.  What you state others are doing you just did yourself.  Relax and if you can't then don't answer statements that you complain about.

  9. Nope, not me.

  10. newsflash!

    This is not a forum smart one

  11. UM...... what do you think civic participation is?  Aren't you tired of never having an opinion, of following the shoes in front of you because you are two weak minded to look up and discover what the h**l is going on around you?  If  you don't care, then why even post this question?  If you don't care just ignore the surroundings and follow like the lost sheep you are.  It seems your quoted questions are legitimate enough for those who took the time to ask, or answer; so just go on to your daily mundane, self-soaking, self-centered life; and let those of us who do care CARE!  Maybe you should try to answer these questions, that way in 20 years when the history books are finally written; you can say "I took part in that".

  12. h**l YES I'M FED UP AND WON'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! and if you vote for me i'll put an end to it and i'll get rid of those religious ruled special interest influenced professional politicians and get some intelligence in the government!

    MAKE p**n NOT WAR!

  13. hmm this one has a lot to learn about politics....

  14. and the pot calls the kettle black...

  15. Well then, either do not read the questions which have the political questions, or have Yahoo to remove the category.

  16. It's part of the reason why I like this site...would you prefer something like...duhhhh do you all like peanut butter or jelly better...???????

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