
Is anyone else freaked about the whole geographical pole shift theory, where the continents actually move ?

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I'm talking about the Edgar Cayce and Charles Hapgood theories or predictions. Totally scaring me half to death and wanted to know some other opinions. Serious answers please, thanks




  1. Cayce was a flake (he claimed that pure tobacco cigarettes were good for the health!), and Hapgood was a historian, not a geologist. Their theories are the object of ridicule, and no serious scientist worth his or her salt would even bother entertaining so ridiculous propositions.

    You can decide to be scared by the teaching of dead idiots, or be reassured by real science. Your call.

  2. These men were frauds. Cayce predicted that Atlantis would rise from the sea in 1968. Atlantis was a fictional place invented by Plato, as Aristotle says, so it cannot ever arise, and it certainly did not do so in 1968. The continents have moved, but that took hundreds of millions of years. I suggest that you stop reading such nonsense and study real science instead.

  3. I've never heard of this theory, but I partly don't believe it because those guys thought they were from Atlantis.

  4. First, it's NOT a theory.  Not even close.

    Second.  This silly idea has been around for a long time, and has even been proposed as a solution for some strange observations people have made over time.  Like frozen mammoths that appear to have been "quick frozen" before they could swallow the food they were chewing when "it" happened.  Anyway, NO this cannot happen.  The physics of doing this are all against it.  And most importantly, there is NO evidence in the geologic record for this having ever happened.  There is NO sedimentological, paleontological, structural, etc., evidence from anywhere in the world to support this nonsense.

    Do not put stock in Edgar Cayce's ideas.  He was an intersting character, but none of his "scientific" predictions have EVER come to pass.  Relax!

    Still...this stuff can be fun to think about (but NOT seriously).  Again, relax, and don't let it bother you.

  5. First - the continents move all the time - its called plate tectonics. The Atlantic Ocean gets wide by an inch of so every year!

    As for pole shifts...

    The magnetic poles move all the time.

    There is a geologic record that shows it has happened many times in our past but not at regular intervals. Time between reversals can be 10000 yrs or a million years.

    However - we know that the magnetic field does not collapse in the process - if it did, there would be major extinctions that correlate with the geologic record for pole reversals - there is no correlation.

    The latest hypothesis is that the Earth's magnetic field gets chaotic, with lots of north and south poles - so we still have a magnetic field, but compasses will be useless. And then it straightens itself back out, but with north and south reverse.

    This is actually similar to what the sun does - but the sun does it on a regular 11 year cycle.

    As for when it will happen - those people that observe the magnetic field think it will go through its chaotic thing and reverse some time soon based on how it is currently behaving, but that is a hypothesis waiting for the event to occur to be tested, and the exact date certainly is not known.

    Now for the rotational axis and its shift:

    The axis of the earth does wobble on several known timescales. These wobbles are known as the Milankovic cycles.


    Basically the axis of the earth’s rotation does not always point to Polaris (the Pole Star); and we are not always inclined at 23.5 deg. So the poles do move relative to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun, and relative to the stars – but the shifts are minor.

    The Earth is not going to flip upside down or reverse its spin and the continents will not move any more than they already do.

  6. Cripes, if I was  girl, I would be most freaked out by the number of creeps around.  

    Keep yourself safe, and don’t talk to strangers.  If you drive, be careful.  

    These are things you should be concerned about – not freaked about, because you have the ability to take care.  

    Some time ago, someone said they were terrified of alien invasion, or being abducted by aliens.  At about the same time in my own country, we had just had a horrific case where a creep in his car had knocked down a woman jogger.  With her very injured, he piled her into the car, took her soemwhere quiet, raped her and left her to die.  

    I posed the question then – “what could an alien do that would be worse than that?”

    Take care.  Jog with a friend.  Tell your parents where you are going all the time.  Etc etc.  These are the things you should be concerned about, not this airy fairy nonsense.

  7. I would be more worried about Pluto  (the dog, not the planet) coming down to kick some sense into you.

  8. Not freaked,intrigued.Many things have happened in the past,scientist,archaeologist,geologist,a... all can not or will not explain.Because they can't.I do believe these things have happened before and there is a record its written in a poetic verse or a myth form and so is discounted by the very experts that are supposed to enlighten us.No need to be afraid.You can not change what ever will happen,you can not predict when or what it may be.You can be well informed and always studious so when it does,if it should,happen in your lifetime you can be amazed that you actually saw a historical event happen and have some idea of how to cope with it.Isn't that an amazing thing? So what is to be afraid of? Nothing but fear itself which has no value therefore you should not worry.Nothing may never happen we do not know.

  9. Why are you freaked out?  

    I haven't read their work so I don't know what it's about, but I'm reading information offered by Kryon.  They discuss pole shifting and magnetic changes of the planet, among many other topics. It's amazing :) (main page)  (lengthy question & answer section)  (scroll down to "Channellings")


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