
Is anyone else freaked out by the BigBang Machine?

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I just heard about it today and I will admit I don't know much about it....but what I have heard freaks me out .If the risk are true they certainly would not be allowed to try it right...???




  1. Whats the danger, this is the first time I have heard of this, unless your talking about the particle accelerator, the Giant one ?

    My own opinion is, it might create a magnetic field that would affect the earth's Axis and create a shift or moons orbit, that would really mess with the Ocean and that would be bad, but it is only my opinion

  2. 1 in 50,000 chance of a black hole being created and swallowing the Earth. Also 1 in 50,000 chance of a strangelet turning Earth into hot goo.

    Long odds.

    P.S. It's called the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC.

  3. Oh.. LHC machine thing.. hmm.. let them turn it on first and see if it will create a mini blackhole..

  4. there has been a similar machine already in use for the last 20 years and nothing has happened this one is just alot bigger  

  5. big bang machine?  made in amsterdam?

  6. Yeah, lots of people who have zero understanding of science are freaked out by it.

  7. LHC is a super-collider which means, in simple terms, that they'll be speeding up tiny particles (atoms) and smashing them into each other.  There are multiple purposes for this machine, including studying microscopic particles to learn more about them, searching for the so-called "god particle" (the name is obviously not literal) and studying black holes.

    It is impossible for the LHC to create a black hole capable of destroying the world.  If they're able to create one (and that's a big IF), it would be microscopic and unstable, only sticking around for a fraction of a second before disappearing in a flash of hawking radiation.  There just isn't enough energy going into the machine to create a large, stable black hole, and the c**p about the earth melting or reality being altered is also quite impossible.  There are already many other colliders all across the globe, several of which are located in the US.

    You have absolutely nothing to worry about.  :)

  8. I thought my wife was one.

  9. If your talking about CERN you have absolutely nothing to worry about.  I live a half a mile away from Fermilab National Accelerator Labratory and I can personally tell you that it is impossible for an accelerator to create black holes and stranglets are only theoretical and if real they are too minute to do any harm.  Fermi has been in use since 1974 I think and nothing has ever gone wrong.  CERN is simply a larger version of Fermi and is actually safer.  It's several hundred feet below the ground where as Fermi is only 20 feet below.  Security is so lax here that I was able to take a tour of the tunnel and see the actual accelerator.  Bottom line,  THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.

  10. It is 'Tower of Babel' science!

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