
Is anyone else getting fed up paying for Global Warming and not getting it?

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We are suffering the bleakest August in the UK that I can remember and yet all I keep hearing is my taxes are going up to pay for Global Warming! Have I missed something or is this the biggest con in history? I do not actually know anyone who takes it seriously; everyone I speak to agrees its little more than another revenue earner. The only people that actually seem to take it seriously are a few green hippies that keep cropping up on the news. They also conveniently change Global Warming for Climate Change whenever the weather does anything aside from being sunny. What a farce!




  1. Well I still wonder every day how any body is able to fall for the con and actually believe that it is happening. But then I get missionaries for the Mormons and some other cults banging on my door or stopping me on the street with concepts just as fictitious as the AGW believers have so I should not really be surprised. Cult religions are just that cults and they all have the our way or the stake mentality so we should not be so surprise by the vehemence of their assault on those whose minds are wired to question rather than to believe the words of a charismatic prophet.

    And some of those who from their postings are believers but still seem intelligent in other ways I wonder about what form and level of education they have had that allows them to have such firm beliefs in such obviously fraudulent material. I continuously go back over the material that is constantly posted in support of AGW and I am sorry but it all has the smell of week old fish left out in the sun to rot. It just does not line up with what I have observed in my lifetime or the historical records of earlier times I have studied. But the whole AGW pogrom does match up with typical Ponzi scam cons almost point for point and so it becomes very obvious that it is just another money making numbers scheme.

  2. Well, when a volcano erupts it emits more SO2, and CO2 that the last 100 years of man made pollution combined.  I think there is a man-made effect but its not even close to the 'natural order' of things.

    Taxed for global warming is just a scam for more tax.

  3. Man-made global warming isn't happening, and never was.  Fraudulant tax grabs are one of the results by evil minded governments.  It would seem your government is taking you for a ride.

  4. Let me explain to you.

    Yes, the average temperature of the globe is going up, not much, but it is. That if a scientific proved fact. You can debate if it is man-made or not. The fact is that when the temperatures go up, the ice melts and the all that water goes to the atmosphere when it turns into vapor on the hot ocean surfaces. That generates lots of rain, storms, floods and record snow falls. The hotter, the more vapor in the atmosphere, the more chaotic the weather patterns become. Wait and you'll see the records coming.

    Lets say this warming is part of a natural cycle, but you cannot completely disregard the man-made pollution factor in the skies because certainly it is not helping stabilizing the atmosphere. We are certainly putting more wood on the fire.  

  5. You have my sympathy there. GW is nothing man can control and it does sound like the govenment there wants to make as much as they can from it. I don't have to pay for GW but I wouldn't doubt if some people in America try to make it that way eventually.

    If they do they'll just have to call the GW police on me because I'm not paying it.

  6. OK, I don't know how many times we need to get the very, very basic, simple facts out there but here we go again:

    Human activities (e.g. 500 billion metric tons of carbon pumped into the atmosphere) disturb the natural equilibria of this planet including its climate.

    Thus: "climate change".

    The net result of this climate change is an increase in the average temperature of the planet.

    Thus: "Global warming".

    Mathematics, especially chaos theory, tells us that when one equilibrium changes to another there is usually a period of turbulence or chaos where everything starts to vary from the norm, often tending to the extremes and the amount of change increases (greater volatility).

    This is where we are now:

    The planet is warming up and weather patterns are becoming chaotic.

    Eventually, a new equilibrium will be reached wherein Australia may be drier, Europe may be warmer (or colder if the Gulf stream gets knocked out) etc.

    There are too many variables to make good predictions on exact regional outcomes. However, the chaotic period comes before the new equilibrium. We are entering that now - bigger swings in temperature locally and globally (hence 2008 being quite cold, 1998 being hot), bigger and more frequent storms, hotter, drier, colder, wetter...

    The fact that you are experiencing "the bleakest August in the UK that I can remember" is exactly in line with, and to a small degree, confirms the AGW theories.

    Get used to the extremes - that's what AGW means. I wouldn't be surprised if the winter is the warmest one ever - or the coldest for 20 decades. I will be surprised if it is just average everywhere...

  7. You're getting ripped off dude.  I'm here in Florida and we are getting lots of global warming.  6 months ago I couldn't use my pool and now I swim every day.  I hope we stick with this global warming.  Florida is flat as a pancake so there is no point to laying down a fine coat of powder for some afternoon skiing.  Besides I have a lot of money in tropical like landscaping.  I'd hate to have to go replant hardier winter plants.  So I'm pro global warming.  I voted for it.

  8. Remember, one of the basic tenants of global warming is: When it gets warmer it is proof of global warming, when it gets colder it is just weather and was predicted by the theory anyway.  

  9. You're correct - it's a big myth, instigated by that liberal lunatic, Al Gore. Not surprising, considering that Mr. Gore also claims to have invented the Internet. He has a cult-like following of idiots, similar to that of Barack Hussein Obama. Most Obamaites are also Gore-bots.

    Hundreds of prominent scientists have now debunked Gore's lies about global warming. The natural warming is both natural and necessary. It's what melted the ice ages,, so that we are all now people instead of ice sickles.

  10. Last week it snowed at 250m in Australia at 7:15pm and again in the moning and roads were coverd with snow and ice.

    Trees were white.

    It might happen again thursday.

    Daytime temp less than 8deg C for 5 days is not warm.

    commies and capitalists are full of c**p.

  11. d**n it sucks that your taxes keep going up! I am studying environmental science at university, and i strongly believe in global warming!

    Global warming has been happening since the beginning of time and anyone who thinks it is a government hoax is just dull i believe! THE THING IS! Yes you have crazy hippies out there who are saying the end is near and we need to put all our money into these stupid research projects, and then you have the dumb people who wont put in any money at all... BUT SOMETHING STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE! nothing major because we humans change the environment to suit us, worst case scenario we the human race get wiped off (very unlikely) and the earth carries on perfectly fine.

    What I'm trying to say is there is no giant harm investing money into using lesser harm full resources and putting a good dime into a CLEARLY GOOD INVESTMENT of renewable resources (think of the cleaner environment your future family can live it!) There is no big harm really, it is for the greater good...  Just sucks that we have to fork out money for something that is NATURAL going at a faster rate and usual.

    I dont believe we will see the effects of global warming for ages, we wont even notice them!

  12. Although I don't have to pay for Global Warming, I do sympathize with you. To lighten your mood a little bit, how about thinking that some where in your government, some people are actually fighting to gain a portion of the money you paid to promote Global Warming prevention policies?

  13. No, I'm sick of the GW.   90's for the last week and I have to work out in the scorching sun besides.

  14. Scientifically Global Warming is a proven theory. And we have to deal with it soon. The only way to do this is with money. You should be glad that your government have stepped up to the challenge!

    If you weren't putting more money into that, I can guarantee you would be paying the government more for something else. Also, if all the citizens in your country are having to pay, then stop complaining. You are all equal, so it is pointless to complain. Things are only going to get worse when it comes to affordability, of many things, so just be thankful for what you can still get at a certain price, Prices are going to rise.  

  15. I agree with you completely.

    It is extremely sad that most politicians have fallen for this scam.

    But let's face it, politicians are far removed from reality, or known for their intelligence.

    They have forgotten that they are nothing more than overpaid public servants who are supposed to do what the voters tell them to do.

    They are NOT supposed to dictate their misguided beliefs on the public.

    If they actually understood any basic science, or had proper scientific advisers, it still might not change things, since this seems to be an excellent revenue maker.

    What they can not seem to get into their 'Thick Heads' is that every time they increase fuel duty(tax) there is a knock on affect of 'across the board' increase in the price of everything.

    Or maybe the do, since they will also be getting more revenue in the VAT(Value Added Tax), known as sales tax in the States,  due to the higher retail price of all other goods.

    It doesn't help that the media prefers to promote this myth, and will not give proper scientists a voice.

    Or that there is so much misinformation on the internet, and comments like one respondent stated with "500 billion metric tons of carbon pumped into the atmosphere".

    I make that to be over roughly the last 50-60 years, and NOT a yearly figure.

    The latest figures that I have found range from 27-33 billion tons for 2004( latest available figures I have found).

    This only accounts for 0.8% of natural CO2 in the atmosphere and not the 16% that is implied by that answer.

    I could go on but I feel that it would be a matter of 'preaching to the converted' for the so-called sceptics like me, and facts or science will be completely ignored by the AGW believers, since they already have their minds made up and will not let themselves be confused by the facts!

    Good question, and although I already feel some 'thumbs down coming  my way, I now consider it to be a 'badge of honour' of some kind.

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