
Is anyone else getting sick from the MSG in Walmart meat?

by Guest61838  |  earlier

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Is anyone else getting sick from the MSG in Walmart meat?




  1. The Walmart is a contaminated animal and ought to  NEVER be eaten.

  2. I do not use Walmart but any place that uses MSG in the food preparation and I eat the food causes me to have an upset stomach.  

  3. MSG will do that, especially if there is a lot of it

    ps-  WHY are you buying meat from Walmart anyways ?

    Walmart is ok for underwear and soap, but meat ???  No way !

    Buy from a fine delicatessen that specializes in quality meats and foods.

  4. You shouldn't buy meat from Wal - Mart. Try Albertsons or something like Vons. (:

  5. msg always gets me sick.

    ill always get a headache and feel super sick to my stomach.

    why would you buy meat from walmart?!

    thats all bad haha.

    msg reacts differently to a lot of people. why do you think at most chinease restraunts they always say if it has msg or not??

  6. i dont shop at walmart at all.  i refuse to support those greedy crooks who dont pay their employees good at all.

  7. Wal-Mart meat is c**p. Don't buy meat from wally world.  

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