
Is anyone else glad McCain picked an inexperienced maverick?

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I for am VERY happy about. for one, if you are intelligent at all you will look at her REAL "credentials" and what the Alaskan people say about her as a governor and where she stands on the major issues, (she doesn't even want to let rape victims get abortions, what a monster!!!)

i mean McCain talks down about Obama because of his "inexperience, but at least he has national experience!!

I do not think he even has a chance of winning anymore, what vote is he going to get? the extreme right wingers and the religious fanatics, that's about it....

I want to know what other people think and what they have found out about her.




  1. I think it was an 'in your face' move by the Republicans. Their #2 chair candidate has more experience than the democratic #1 chair candidate.

    Now baby thats real change.

  2. Yes, certainly. Democrats are very pleased

  3. She's got more executive experience than Obama.

  4. The Republicans are very happy that the Dem's nominee for Pres has no experience and no chance of winning in November.   ***

  5. Yes, but not in the way you do. Sarah Palin was an excellent choice. No DC experience is a plus in my book. Her record  shows fighting for change & overturning the status quo.

    A monster? Please. She has a streak of practicality in her. She wont be forcing rape victims to have the kids. Besides if RVWade goes down, it simply puts abortions rights to the state. Where they belong in my opinion. She has her own values & sticks to them. A lot different than the flip-floppers in DC, & that includes Obama. But on the practical side - Alaska passed a bill refusing benefits to g*y partners, & Mrs Palin is adamantly anti--g*y, yet she did not sign that bill into law & allowed g**s to get state benes. She's not heartless. And definitely not a monster.

    Better a VP on the learning curve than a president.

    And she's come by this position because McCain wanted her, not because she hungered to be president the way Obama's been planning all his life. Dont you think Palin thought hard about what she was getting into? Being called "Monster" is just a minor jibe. I've already seen things on the web I'd tear peoples hearts out for doing about me.

    And what will they say about her husband & kids?

    Oh, this is hardball, & she knew that coming in. I believe she took the chance to actually do some good for this country - instead of Obama's gratifying his own ego.

  6. Is English really your first language?  

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