
Is anyone else going crazy during this agonizing 2WW?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i tested today after ovulating and doing it on the 12 of this month (and the 13th too) that would make today 7dpo...and I tested i knew it wasn't gonna show yet cause its just way to soon but the other females gave me hope on here stating that they got responses as soon as 5dpo anyway, my test was 1 line(negative) and i cant wait to test again , but trust me this time ill wait till 4 days before my misses pd and if that still a no go I'm just gonna see if it comes...if not imma test on the 29th and that should be my happy day.... i know I'm being impatient but trying to wait is literally driving me crazy. does anyone have any advice to make the time go by faster other than "not thinkin about it" cause that's just impossible for me to nice guys cause i bite back lmao




  1. Ha ha, unfortunately test kids here in Australia cost about $7 min so I only test when I missed my period - at least a week late.

    Been TTC for 9 mths now & the agony of the 2WW is slipping since AF comes on time every month. Hopefully she won't visit me this mth on 27th & I can test on first week of Sep.

    I am thinking about it EVERYDAY since Dec 07, how can we not??

    Baby dust to All

  2. I'm with you. Currently 6 dpo and dying to test. I spend a lot of time at . It is a great site to read the most detailed (day by day) account of peoples pregnancy symptoms during their 2ww! Good Luck testing!

  3. If you have a dollar tree near you, I would buy a bunch of tests and POAS everyday.  That's what I do, lol.  

  4. I am right there with you.  I bought tests online from so I can test often.  They were less than a buck each.  AF is due on the 28nd.

    baby dust to us!

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