
Is anyone else happy that someone finally hit Jeff Farmer?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not usually an advocate for violence but after all of his anti-social behavior its nice to see him get some of his own medicine.




  1. Sad to say but YES! When it happened I had a chuckle and thought, about time.

    Now if can just get Akka to shut up! He he... Nah I love Akka.

  2. Jeff should have stayed with the Demons and under the guidance of Neale Daniher..... i think he wouldn't have taken the path he has.

    we went to a family day the year neale became coach and the players were happy to have their photo taken with our five year old daughter. When we approached Jeff Farmer to have his photo taken he smiled and actually lifted our daughter up. it made a great photo

  3. lol i think its funny he got hit and its no surprise about who hit him either, i wish they hit eachother wouldve been better 2 c them both get hurt

  4. Yes, couldnt be happier!! The guy was seriously asking for it...I would like to see Stephen Milne done next...

    Hey Champ we should catch up...

  5. Not really, my life is richer than that.....!

  6. I'm happy somebody asked this and not me

    I'm still laughing, he looked dazed and confused coming off the ground, just like when he is on the grog

  7. I absolutely loved it!

    But how could anyone get seven weeks for hitting him? One week would have been sufficient.

  8. Yeah its great to see him get hit. What is going on with the tribunal this week though 7 weeks for a hit?!?! And nobody even saw it!!

    Other players that deserve to be hit behind play:

    Brenden Fevola, Adam McPhee, Jason Akermanis, Anyone from Port Adelaide, Byron Pickett. Also someone should go back in time and get Tony Liberatore

  9. first of all there is know proof that steven baker did hit him.But it was about time that someone hit him.He is always doing it to other people behind play and the tribenal wont give him a week or two.Go the saints and lets hope that baker gets of!!!

    When the bulldogs gave justin koschitzke a high bump the guy did not get suspended but it could of gave justin brain damage and thats wrong

  10. My hubby recons he deserved it he is a dirty little------ i just wish it was not a sainter

  11. I think if it had of been a fair hit ... in play and just a good solid bump then it would've been great, but the way it was done .....  all it does is set a bad example and give the game more bad headlines

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