
Is anyone else having a blast seeing the GOP go down in flames?

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It really is the highlight of the Summer, thoughts?




  1. Don't put anything past the Republicans. I will only brief a sigh of relieve after the election is decided.

  2. AND

    its all because the old fool himself thought he'd get Hillarys voters by choosing just any woman !!

  3. In a morbid way you are hilarious lol.  You're right the GOP party is losing it's strength.  I don't think I really need to list all the things that are flawed with this country right now, and it's at the hands of the GOP.  Did you notice the age of most of the the audience at the RNC?

  4. The GOP is not in flames. The times simply dictate a change. Eight years of one party is about all this nation can endure. Otherwise it would've been president GORE. The two party system is the ky to checks and balances within our government and in fact, i would not be saddened if there were a permanent independence party as well, and not just something those on both sides set up when they are fed up with their former party.

  5. Yes, I am. Almost as good as chocolate.

  6. They are really scrambling, that's for sure.  McCain now actually says that the media can't ask any questions about Sarah!  No questions!  How insane is that?  I suppose that means the media shouldn't ask anymore questions about McCain, Obama and Biden too.

    And we are not picking on Palin, we simply want some information about her as she is running for VP.  What's wrong with that?

  7. They might seem like they are going down in flames to me and you, but always remember this country is ******* stupid.

  8. You must be on LSD because you are seeing things.  Unless McCain or Palin seriously misplay this one, I would say their chances to win are better than not.

  9. you need to wake up,lol

    you are living in dream land if you really think that.

  10. Not sure we are watching the same GOP.  I think it's the other way around.  Sorry to burst your bubble.

  11. have you been listeing to those Voices in your head again? Dont know which GOP your talking about...

  12. Down in flames? Where? New Zealand? Ahh "liberal" logic. Reality must suck.

  13. Maybe Palin will actually have a lot to talk about with Ahmenidejad...he doesn't believe that the Holocaust was real, and she thinks that dinosaurs ate cavemen 5,000 years ago when the earth was born, that the Earth is flat and that fossils are God's joke on paleontologists. Good Grief. WHAT WAS McCAIN THINKING? She says that 'sending our troops into Iraq is part of God's plan." No further comment needed on THAT one !!! And declaring a "Christian Heritage Week" in Alaska? How ignorantly humiliating. "Out of touch" rings a bell.

    Alaska: where natives pay $11.00 a gallon for heating oil. Alaska, where Viagra sales are off the charts and nobody uses condoms or spermicides.

    McPain, a foul-mouthed, bad-tempered teat-sucker who has been on The Government payroll since he was 18...and doesn't even know how many houses he owns. Yeah, he's a real Joe Paycheck kinda guy. Good grief.

    The Repugnicans tried to "rip the Dumbocrats a new one" when they put Geraldine Ferraro on Mondale's ticket. But Ms. Wasilla is just peachy. Wow. And John, why have you voted AGAINST every bill that would aid veterans for healthcare and education, calling such legislation 'too generous?' Thank you for your Vietnam service, John; I can't imagine how awful that was. But "A" does not qualify you for "B." I know, I know, logic is not your party's strong suit. But get over yourself. Oh...and hire a 'vetter' who KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE DOING. what were you thinking? Your decisions are getting more and more arteriosclerotic every day. But Thank You for making Obama's election even more of a sure thing.

  14. Only in your rather vivid, yet pathetic, imagination.

    Out here in the real world, the GOP is doing very well and looking forward to leading our nation for the next four years.

  15. what has me laughing is the fear mccain and palin have instilled in the liberal democratic pary.    it is fun watching all the great liberals gang up on one poor lady.      can't wait to see her chew up the washington insider biden.    you know the liberal democrat that isn't considered an insider    mr doodles

  16. Are we watching the same GOP?

  17. Look...I'm not a fan of the party politics, and if I'm going to be honest, I sway republican, but you guys need to keep in line.  The Democrat party is off the rails right now, and if you want to retain any relevancy or a shot at 2012 if you lose this year, the Dems need to get real.  

    The majority of your voices right now are lunatics AND they're the loudest.  You're associated with just about any conspiracy theorist and almost ALL protests.  We all know that dissent is the truest form of patriotism, and I'll be the first in line to slap a b* in the face if that right is ever infringed, but seriously, have you seen the remnants of Denver?  I can't even imagine what the end of this one will look like.  It's one thing to protest, it's a whole other story when you border on terrorism (it's not just a republican buzz-word, you know?)

    Aside from that, probably the main reason you didn't see the remnants was because of this media and it's insane amount of bias.  I've been trying for years to chalk this up to whiny conservatives, but it's really getting harder and harder to hide guys.  It takes the National Enquirer to push back a story on Bigfoot or UFOs to break the Edwards scandal, which immediately dies, but Palin's future grandchild takes up the entire front page of the NY papers.  I have to go to CSPAN to find the RNC coverage, but couldn't flip the channel without hearing a mention of the DNC.  I don't care about the bias...I already know not to trust any sources, but tonight, when this is blown up in front of the world, it's going to be hard to get any new and trusting Dem voters.

    All I'm saying is, don't make it so hard for me.  We're already starting at a disadvantage by only having 2 parties to choose from, but as they get further and further apart, we're not helping anyone, and in the end, we'll both be holding our asses in our hands, whether we were a D or an R.    

  18. They have effectively been reduced to rationalizing so badly that their rationalizations are coming in conflict with one another.

    It is TRULY a meltdown.

    The Republican party as a whole cannot even find a "message" let alone a platform.

    Their collective battle cry is "what was McCain thinking"?

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