
Is anyone else having issues with the Twilight series ending?

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I went to the Breaking Dawn release party and was the first to buy the book. I got home and plowed through it, but stopped about 200 pages before the ending. I stopped because i really don't want it to end. So ive just been rereading the beginning of BD (i love the honeymoon) and keep on stopping on page 558. Is anyone else feeling kind of low about BD being the last book.

PS. yes i know Midnight Sun is coming out but its just not the same.(but i LOVE EDWARD so ill buy the book)




  1. twilight series released in december

  2. i've read the books and like them, adore some of the characters, but i am not having issues with it ending, no..

    but i can understand where you're coming from because i had a crazyyyy obsession with harry potter for years (yes, i was one of those HP kids) and i went through like withdrawal when it ended LOL

    what really helped me get over it was going on boards and discussing with other fans my opinions, so that i could get it out of my system

    and when school started again it really snapped me back into reality

    so don't worry, come September you'll be much better

    though i have complete empathy for you

    you just need to keep yourself busy and move on with life, read some other books (preferably not series, haha)

    good luck! :)

  3. Yes! I read the whole book, but I started crying at the ending! It was so cute. I think that you should read the entire book, and just start the series over again. I read the series right before BD was released so I knew every detail : ) You really should finish the book, every beginning has an ending.  

  4. I'm having issues with the way it ended, not that it ended. The fourth book just seemed so out of place, so different from the first three. They were entertaining, at least, but Breaking Dawn was just... different. I can't really find another word to describe it.

  5. Not really.  There's still the movie and the first book written from Eddie's POV.  Everything ends.

    *cries over Buffy*

  6. i finished BD and i liked the ending i just thought she could have added more to it... A little disapointed but i guess its more because it was the last book. :( and I agreeMidnight Sun sounds good but its just not the same.  

  7. no... it's a book and books end.

  8. no. i thought the first 3 were great, but breaking dawn was ridiculous, ugh.

  9. No .. not really. I'd be happy if she continues it from Renesmee's point of view.

  10. The ending is the best part! Finish it! Midnight Sun isn't coming out for a little over a year, and all series end. You finished Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse so you can't just stop now or somebody is bound to spoil it for you. As twisted as BD is, i loved it.  

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