
Is anyone else having problems or had problems with their Tivo series2 box?

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I have a 40 hr Tivo Series2 box that just doesn't seem to be working 100% these past couple of weeks. It is like 4-5 years old, but yet it doesn't seem "old enough" to be having problems! But my recordings are jumpy, the box won't immediately respond to the remote (batteries are fine)...I came home today and got the screen "almost there, just a few more minutes." I have restarted it 3 times now and it just freezes at that screen. Anyone else having problems? Is it time to get a new box or just be patient?





  1. Sounds like the hard drive is getting ready to crash.  Your TiVo is actually nothing more than a simple computer, and you record all your shows to a computer hard drive, which can last many thousands of hours, but after 4-5 years of constant spinning, it may be time to replace it.

    I've got a TiVo Series2DT box, as well as an older ReplayTV (TiVo's former competitor!) box, and an HD DVR box from Cox cable.  The one big disadvantage TiVo has over the other two boxes, is the fact that it's meant to be left on all the time.  Of course, you can power it off, if you go deep enough into their menu system.  The ReplayTV & Cox boxes both have Off buttons, which lets their hard drives get well-deserved downtime.  In just 4 years, your TiVo drive has been running for over 34,000 hours without a break!

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