
Is anyone else having problems shopping on the Walmart website?

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I just want to browse the site to compare prices and find out shipping cost but I can not get to their site. Is anyone experiencing the same thing or is it just my computer? Also, I'm having problems shopping on Toys R Us site too. It won't take my email address and password even after I did the retrieval password and use the password that was given to me. What is going on? This is the Christmas season! Why is it so hard to get on these sites when you need them the most?!




  1. Need some more info:

    -Have you tried accessing the sites from another machine?

    -Have you tried using another browser?

    -What brand/version of anti-virus are you running?

    -Are you getting any j-script errors?

  2. Sounds like its on your end. A simple rebooting of your computer most likely will do the trick. Next time it happens  restart your computer and then try signing in.

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