
Is anyone else having problems with slow service at McDonald's?

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I've just about boycotted them. Not that I go very often, but when in a hurry (and I do love the double cheeseburgers), I stop in maybe once a month. The last 7 or 8 times I have gone I have waited what seems like FOREVER. I'm not talking about 5 or 10 minutes that seem longer because I am in a hurry, I timed them the last two times, 22 minutes once and 30 minutes the next time (5 different McDonald's). I get waited on faster at Outback!




  1. Thats because they all have so many teen workers lotz of drop outs and drugies runnin the mcdonalds chain!

  2. good help doesnt come cheap,and cheap help doesnt come good.

    its the same in auto parts stores and walmart- if you arent willing to pay people they arent going to do their best

  3. get used to it. look who works there. most of them can't tie their own shoes.

  4. Id rather eat at outback , i have boycotted Mc Donalds for along time

  5. over here is okay kinda fast haha

  6. At the drive through?

    If you go inside they seem to serve the drive through people first.

  7. i wish i could get me some mcd's can you send me some

    i am in tillil, Iraq

  8. wow, that is a terrible problem, and I thought world hunger was sad, geesh poor woman

  9. Good for you...McDonald's promote their food as 'nutritious', but the reality is that it is junk food - high in fat, sugar and salt, and low in fibre and vitamins. A diet of this type is linked with a greater risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. Their food also contains many chemical additives, animal f***s, some of which may cause ill-health, and hyperactivity in children. Don't forget too that meat is the cause of the majority of food poisoning incidents. In 1991 McDonald's were responsible for an outbreak of food poisoning in the UK and USA in which people suffered serious kidney failure. With modern intensive farming methods, other diseases - linked to chemical residues or unnatural practices - have become a danger to people too (such as BSE).

  10. I think it depends on which one. Some I go to are "on the ball"  Others I think have hired people in slow motion. Its weird.  they could use some customer service training or something. I am a gal on the go and go to FAST food restautants cuz they are fast!!!  I hear you!

  11. Unfortunately this is a universal problem.

    Canada is no different.

    Even in Japan you have to wait. They place a number on your table so they know who ordered what.

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