
Is anyone else having problems with the LAUNCH music player?

by  |  earlier

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Is anyone else having problems with the music player? When I click on a video to view it, the screen comes up as normal, but the video doesn't play. There is no music either. I wrote to customer support, but they couldn't fix it. I downloaded the latest version of Flash player. I can't think of anything else.




  1. YES.

    Today, I cannot get my LaunchCast station to play. I have over 12,000 ratings and have it set up just the way I like it.  I would hate to lose my customized station now.  

    update -- GOOD NEWS:

    If you go thru the first step of setting up a personal station (picking favorite genres), then LaunchCast will retreive all your settings and ratings.  All I did was pick _one_ favorite genre and hit submit.  I got my custom station back immediately without any changes.  YAY !!!

  2. sometimes you have to delete your cookies at the top or its just be retarded and takes a while cuz to many people are on it

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