
Is anyone else here as sick of hearing about Manny Ramirez & his diva act as I am...?

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I am VERY tired of this guy. I'm not a Red Sox fan but even the biggest Boston "homers" have to be tired of this guy.

Now, I know Boston won't trade Manny to the Yankees (my team) and I'm glad. I don't want that headcase on my team.

If you are a Boston fan, do you want him traded or do you want them to keep him?

If you aren't a Red Sox fan, do you want your team to trade for Manny?




  1. I am a Red Sox fan and Manny is actually my favorite player...that said, yes, I am sick of it...I wish Manny would just shut the F up and play...if he would just keep his mouth shut and play I am sure the Sox would have picked up his option and maybe even negotiated an extension...I would love for him to retire in a Red Sox uniform but to do that I think he needs to quiet his yapper and I just don't see him doing that...I think he wants to test free agency and get one last big payday...the more he talks and sits out, though, the less a team is going to be willing to pay him.

  2. i want to keep manny as far away from the AL East as possible, but idk how some people cannot see how high manny's stock is right now. he doesnt have many good years left, and to let him go to free agency means that team gets squat for him. if they trade him now, they can still contend without him, and they would get a boatload of prospects and some guys who were already proven

    so get him outta here, let him go to the NL and boston can reap the rewards from his years of success

  3. me me me!!!

  4. He's just a moron being a moron. I can't believe all the support he gets from Red Sox fans even after he quit on the team against the Yankees. That's disgraceful and people still apologize for him. Unbelievable.

  5. first:im a red sox fan, the only thing i dont like hearing is the same two quotes hes said,but i do like to hear the latest things that go on with him......and yes,I WANT MANNY TO STAY IN BOSTON

  6. I actually like watching Manny being Manny unless he does something that cost them  the game. Otherwise, he is still a good player, just a bit on the weirder side...

  7. i think boston wont even trade manny and manny will go to free agents at the season...then the only team that can afford him (th yankees) will pick him up happened to damon it can happen to manny

  8. I think its been more than enough coverage.  He's almost impossible to trade due to his salary, but if I were on another team and knew how desperate the Red Sox were to get rid of him, I'd take him and then just not exercise the option at the end of the year and let him be a free agent.  For the next 2 months of the season he'd probably be happy to be somewhere else and play better...

  9. Not a Boston fan but am tired of the whole Manny being Manny escapade.

  10. Well then, put down the newspapers, turn off the TV (always a good idea, as soon as the game is over), and step away from the InterWeb.

    No more hearing or reading about Manny du jour, no more sickness.

  11. As a fan of the Sox, this is nothing really new to us.  Every year (except '07) Manny has said he wants to leave.  Every year, he stays.  His contract is overpriced and his antics could ruin another club so he is virtually untradable.  He won't go to the Yankees because that would mean losing his dreads and what little goatee he has, not to mention Girardi would lose his mind watching this guy loaf in the outfield and jog to first base.  Bottom line is that he still has power and makes for a pretty formidable twosome with Papi and now JD Drew.  I'd like to keep him since we already know his antics and have acclimated to them knowing that it's all just talk.


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