
Is anyone else highly sceptical over all this 'green mania'?

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Sure I believe in conservation, frugality, waste elimination, but I also know about carrying something to extremity, and am highly suspicious of those that are profiteers in this carbon-credit green movement. A lot of well meaning people want to preserve asnd save the planet, but we must not stop orderly progress, progress that with the help of the Almighty, will save the starving, the oppressed, and bring lasting peace to all. Lets not be hastened to disaster by people that are either mis-informed, or deceptive using junk science that shackles progress. Politicians are like the whores that follow the fleet, ready at every port to take you, and your money. The people sold into this 'green monster' for the majority know little of real practical application of conservative values. We are oversold, over influenced, and over stimulated to gratify our every waking hours with low quality food, low quality goods and services and entertainment & news of the silly, the ridiculous, no wonder?




  1. This new "Green" movement is a new religion of the worst kind and Al Gore is its leader.

  2. Some,once indoctrinated and imbued into cult-like fantasy,become one with following the 'big behind' in front of them, into the pit. A child that faced adversity, and gained ground, is not so quick to follow over-night, fly-by-night schemes, dreamed up in a fit of panic. What happened to good old american rebellion? We would check a new development out, and weed out the charlatans, then learned from the success or the failures of such. We were not held spell-bound by great promises, or threats of consequences if we did not buy into them and their theoretical rhetoric.

  3. I'm so skeptical I drive my Chrysler 300c with a V8 engine around with pride.  And I also am the proud owner of a T shirt with the slogan "I {heart} my carbon footprint"

  4. I don't feel skeptical but informed on that issue.  They are definitely scare mongers and use junk science to scare people.  They won't be happy until they start taxing us on the air we breath and buying carbon credits for exhaling.

  5. It's the 21st Century version of the 19th Century's Luddite movement.

  6. I think the oil industry is highly sceptical over green issues as are companies who will lose out. The rest of us think it would be a nice thing not to wreck the ecology of the planet.

  7. Well I didn't actually witness that giant ice shelf break away but h**l you must be one of those skeptics about the US Moonlanding too!  You folks keep the rest of us laughing keep on drinking your  bath water it's getting healthier by the minute.

  8. The Green movement is just a way of lining the pockets of hogs in the trough of public money.  Climatologists have got to be getting 3 times their old hourly rate, by now.  Michael Crichton - no conservative he - exposed the hoax long ago in a lengthy book.  The trouble is that there is a section of public opinion which having lost its Christian faith, did not lose its Millenarianism, so now we have the great big global warming is coming to end the world, unless we wear a hair-shirt.  When I was a boy, Dr. Paul Ehrlich used to predict a new ice age.  So far as climate is concerned, we are like the little animals pictured inside a locker at the railroad station at the end of one of the Men-in-Black movies - we rampantly exaggerate our own importance.

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