
Is anyone else just tired of Palin's speech already?

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Where is she going with this?

and anyone see the poor baby? Doesn't even get a mother's care because mother is too busy with her career. Now i see why Bristol grew up to be a w***e




  1. She seems to be more interested in downing Obama than saying exactly what she plans to change. Giuliani was doing the same thing.

    ps. her daughter isn't a w***e just because she's pregnant. and her boyfriend is by her side. lots of american girls are in the same position, are they all whores? have you ever had s*x outside of marriage? are you using a double standard here?

    were you listening when Giuliani remarked about your same question about her kids suffering lack of care? He said "how many men would be asked that question?"

  2. Yeah, she's pretty typical.  Definitely not what someone would call "top shelf".

  3. She sucks....she should've did a speech via satellite LOL

  4. Trailer trash

  5. I'm tired of the whole election, and I'm not even American.

  6. Yes. It is nauseating. I am relieved because I thought she might come out and kick but but she is not doing it. This election may be an Obama landslide.  



  8. That nasaly voice is grating on my last nerve!

  9. Are you suppose to be dancing on the pole tonight and showing off your kitty!

  10. It may be BS, but it is still important. Listen to what these people have to say and use it.

  11. I agree with you. It sounds like she is just telling us about her family and the same stuff we hear all the time about her kids with their different names (uhh willow?) and how her husband is a champion on some sort of snow mobile? I thought this speech was to make me support her...  

  12. that question does not even deserve an answer! it was cruel and rude.

  13. Ohhh sexist are we? Its diffrent for a fathers care?

  14. Wow, you're pathetic.  Nice t*t though.

  15. You obviously turned it on with a biased opinion. Don't worry, there are CSI re-runs on still..... You can catch the last 10 minutes...

  16. im actually entertained

    and im not a nerd by the way xD

  17. it takes smarts to understand, turn back on MTV and vote or die!

    Awhore? If she would have had an abortion the left would love her, but she is going to keep it and get married, no wonder you don't like her.

    Change Change Change, Obama the messiah. blah.

    She has done more for the people she represents than obama could ever imagine.

  18. i am!

  19. I didn't think I would like it but I  do. Her baby is too cute.  

  20. Only the Obamabots who really would not understand it anyway, it deals with America loving patriots, self reliance and decency.

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