
Is anyone else kind of offended when you are invited to someones house and they ask you to?

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take your shoes off? I mean, not like you know them and their house rules, but you're just getting to know them and you get blind-sided by "Oh, please take off your shoes" or "here's a basket of footies for everyone, you can leave your shoes by the front door. It's never done in a nasty way, but it really makes me uncomforatable.

I mean, I like my floors to stay clean as much as the next person, but I would never ask a guest in my house to take off their shoes. I suck it up and vacuum or mop after my guests leave. How do you guys feel about it?




  1. My stepmother is Asian and we always take our shoes off so Im use to it.  Our shoe dont just carry dirt, they carry fesces, urine from batrooms, all kinds of nasty things.

  2. I have a sign outside of my door asking for people to do this. Most of the time I don't have to ask because of the sign. Most people respect my wishes. If they still don't take them off, I will politely ask them to. I have only had one person get offended. Shoes track in a lot of nasty products. I don't want my baby crawling on dirty carpet.

  3. Offended?  Not at all!!  I have Japanese dear friends that have everyone to leave their shoes on their porch.  I live in can be real muddy at times....It is a given here!!  If you go to someone's house and you see shoes on the porch or inside the door....take off your shoes please!!  I don't want anyone with muddy shoes in my house....please.....Otherwise, if is dry outside and you have shoes on....come on in, y'all!!

  4. i can see where youre coming from. its kind of offensive but respectful in at the same time. youre coming to somebody's house so you have to abide by their rules. they prefet you take your shoes off so they can be comfortable. on the other hand, you rather keep your shoes on, thats like asking somebody to take off your sweater when you prefer it stays on you. but its all about respect. so i understand.

  5. What's your problem, bub?

  6. I always take off my shoes in my apartment.  Mostly because I just got off work, and LOVE the feel of carpet when I walk around in my socks.  Then I plop down on my couch and sit there for a few minutes.  Pure heaven I tell ya.

    In fact, I often ask if it's OKAY for me to take my shoes off when I go to someones house.

  7. I don't like that either.  I don't tell people to take off their shoes and I don't worry about any mess because I ripped out all the carpeting and have tiles and hardwood floors which are easy to clean. But even when I had carpeting I did just suck it up and clean later--big deal.  The problem is carpeting and people don't want it to get stained so what I do to not get offended by being asked to take my shoes off, I ask them first: "would you like me to take my shoes off?" Usually they say no even when I was asked at previous times by the same people to take them off. Wierd but it is psychology when they hear you ask the question then they feel a little uneasy about inconveniencing you.

  8. I'm old enough to remember when people ordinarily did not ask guests to remove shoes.  Of course, at that time, people usually wore different clothes, and shoes, for different activities, so the shoes you wore when visiting weren't likely to be that dirty.  I suppose if your friends are the sort who wear the same pair of dirty sneakers all day, no matter what they're doing, there might be some justification for asking them to take them off.

    On the other hand, you're far more likely to pick up germs from someone's hands than from their shoes.

  9. It is rude to ask someone to remove there shoe's when entering a house. It down right bad manners. Ok if its custom like in Japan etc. But in western countries it rude.

  10. I'm's their home not mine..

  11. I think it can be a little obnoxious, I mean, you're a guest, right? But my opinion is probably biased because the only person who has asked me to do that was someone I realized that I didn't like at all.

    But I agree with you in that they should just suck it up and clean up afterwards.

    Unless you had to walk through a lot of mud to get there or something. Then it would be understandable.

  12. Well I understand the way they feel.  That pretty much sets the stage of their house. They greet you and tell you take off your shoes.  

    A lot of people think shoes are the dirtiest, nastiest things ever and with the most germs.  If you think of all the stuff your shoes have walked on than imagine how dirty they really are.

    No it does not bother me if someone asks me to take off my shoes before entering their house.

  13. Why would I be? It's not a problem. No more peculiar than keeping your shoes on, and it saves your host/ess a heck of a lot of trouble after you leave. Also, perhaps they want to help you feel more at home (do you wear non-slipper shoes around YOUR home?).

  14. I would be offended if people had issues with taking their shoes off in my house. My guests usually always take their shoes off and most of the time without me asking.

    Remember you are the GUEST in someone else's home, show some respect.

  15. I think you're just being overly sensitive. there's nothing offensive about someone asking you to take off their shoes. in most eastern (and many western) cultures it's just a sign of respect and naturally expected that people remove their shoes before they enter a house or place of worship. Think of how much dirt and bacteria you can track into a house with your shoes--if someone has a small kid that crawls around that's potentially very dangerous.

    I don't see why you should even be remotely offended by this. it's not like they're saying, 'here, wipe your face with this towel because you're really dirty' or anything. it's just regular procedure. You say that you just 'suck it up' and mop after your guests; well maybe you should take your own advice and suck it up and take your shoes off. Besides, wouldn't most people be more comfortable barefoot or in socks?

  16. Do they wash those footies  after each use or does everyone stick them back in  the basket?

    I'd never ask someone to take off their shoes. I see the point, but it's weird to ask guests.

  17. I always take my shoes off in someone's house including my own, I don't wait for them to ask, it's just polite to do so. In Canada, or at least in Manitoba, it is actually customary take off your shoes. I think it's more prevalent in the US to leave your shoes on than it is in Canada, it was American guests we had over that we found out they like to leave their shoes on. Here, total strangers will take their shoes off without being asked, it is the custom. I don't like to be bare foot in someone's house but I always wear socks so no problem.

    I don't think you should be offended, I'm sure they're not meaning to offend you. ;)

  18. Whenever I go to someone's house, unless I know them very well, I always ask if they want me to take my shoes off. I don't need to wear my shoes, and I wouldn't want to get their carpets or floors dirty. I know how much I hate people tracking dirt and c**p through *my* house. It's just considerate.

    I ask people to take off their shoes, and I wouldn't even be the one cleaning the floors later - it would be my mom. As much as I want my guests to be comfortable, there's no reason they can't take off their shoes. Shoes are for protecting your feet, and I can't think of anything inside a house you'd need your feet protected from.

  19. I'm not offended. I actually prefer to walk in my socks, because that is what I do in my own home. If you answer the door shoeless, I will take my shoes off without asking. If you answer the door with shoes on, I will ask if I can remove mine.

    While indoors, I like to be in stocking feet.

  20. When I get my own house one day, I'm going to start this rule.  If they give you footies, so what?  Do you know how much stuff you drag in on the bottom of your feet?  They may have a young child who is playing and crawling on the floor, or they had someone come in one time and dragged mud all over their clean carpet.  They may not have time to clean up after guests either.  I think it is more offending to dirty up someone's floor than to be asked to take off your shoes.

  21. i take off my shoes everytime i go into a house, so i don't get offended. i think you're just being sensitive

  22. Why should you be offended?  unless you have swamp foot or something in that fashon. My home everyone takes off their shoes, why? because that is the rules in my home and my friends and family know that is what is required to enter my home.

        My wife is Asian. she keeps a spotless home. we have slippers (new ones for first timers) for all to put on. As for you being uncomfortable doing this, think this way. lets just say that they allow you to walk into their home without taking off your shoes.

         they have no idea where you have walked all day and what you could be tracking into their home. also remember they walk barefoot in their home when everyone is gone.

          My friends all knew before I was married that this would be the rules to enter my home. please do not feel uncomfortable. just go with their wishes

  23. I have never been asked but, it would probably indicate that the house is kept clean and that the food they are serving has a good chance of being sanitary.  I usually take mine off out of respect and ensure I wear my good socks.  I don't think it is any big deal.

  24. If it isn't an ethnic custom I really resent it, frankly.

  25. Not offended. Everyone is different and if people want to do that in their house it's their prerogotive.

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