
Is anyone else listening to the fantastic Al Gore?

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Why wasn't he like this 8 years ago? He is so fantastic! So engaging! How did you like his speech?




  1. I Love Gore...too bad it could not have been an Obama/Gore ticket...

    to answer your question...I think he needed to go through the 2000 election to become as great as he is today.  Kind of like a growth through failure type of thing.

    I recommend watching Re-count...It's about how Gore had Flordia stolen from him.

    For those who dis-credit Gore:

    He has a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar...

    What credit do you have...You watch Fox News?  Even Bush believes in Climate Change...

    Hey Penny...perhaps you should tell the Martians to buy Hybrid cars...great call we need to warn everyone...

  2. pfft al gore is fat.

  3. No; Al Gore is a fraud. The whole Global Warming movement is a scam. Mars polar ice caps are melting, too.

  4. he's been like this forever; a fantastic, engaging, idiot. why is you libs will believe anything as long as it is well- spoken ? also, for you global warming fanatics; if you have a glass full of ice water and the ice melts, does the glass overflow ?

  5. He was like this.

  6. just words just speeches

  7. Do you even remember him 8 yrs ago? He was actually even better.

  8. is he still telling us to become vegetarians and stop driving cars, even though hes not a vegetarian himself, and travels in a jet plane, but i shouldnt complain, hes making $10,000 per speech.

  9. Didnt listen, just like i didnt listen to hillary and bill, nor will i slobama.

  10. I always admired Al Gore.  He may be an imperfect person, as we all are, but I believe his interests were for all of us.  I think he would have made a much better leader for our country and we wouldn't have been in the mess we are now.  I don't care what anyone says against him, he was and is a man of integrity who is truly concerned for our nations future.

  11. Nope.

    James Bond on AMC

  12. It is poorly scripted and badly acted drama.  I prefer comedy.  I think Everybody Loves Raymond is on now.

  13. they must have taken away his Ironman suit.

  14. No. I'm listening to Bob Barr on the Glenn Beck show. Far more interesting than listening to Gore.

  15. what is he inventing this time???   The Iphone?  Last time i listened to him he was saying something about ocean levels rising 20 feet in the next few years.  

    And, no I am not listening to him.

  16. yeh, wish he had been elected instead of bush. we coulda had v8.

  17. It doesn't take much to wow liberals now days.

  18. inbetweeeen wipes!!!!

  19. .Al Gore sucks! He owns a lot of interest in the things he supports. He's no savior & he sure don't raise any eyebrows when it comes to divine wisdom. Call him "chicken little". There's always a disaster coming.Save the world-save Al Gore's money interests.  

  20. Of course it was good, he stole a ton from Reagan, and even delivered it with the same style as Reagan.

  21. I'm not listening but I wish I was.  He's great!  

  22. No, I got more important things to do then watch Al Bore the mumbling idiot.

  23. Some people are.

  24. I was. Great speech, he made several good points in understandable language and with humor and charm.  Maybe he ran for President just a bit too soon. He's clearly more naturally confident than eight years ago. I was seriously thinking the same.

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