
Is anyone else looking to buy an electric vehicle right now?

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I am so frusterated with my EV search! All I can find is these stupid low speed EVs. I have found 22 plug-in EV. Of those, 4 are taking orders and downpayments for development some time in the future. 10 are in the USA right now but they need to be shipped across the country. Only 6 will exceed 25 miles per hour and, of those 2 will exceed 40 and one of those looks like a space ship!

I am so sick of the 25 mph Neighborhood vehicles, golf carts, and three wheel things.

First they make all these cars that crawl, lack doors, have only one or two seats and cost more than I make in a year then they claim there is no customer base for them. No kidding!

I want an electric car that looks like a car. It should have heat and AC. I want 4 seats with seat belts and a trunk. A compact sized hatchback would work. There would be a market for a minivan, too. I want a normal color! I know it can be done because other companies have already done it with great success.




  1. I know how you feel ref Golf Cars etc.

    There are some good E Cars coming out of China now, not rubbish as many factories are scrambling to develope as the Olympics next year are Eco Friendly and Mainly Electric Vehicles.

    There is also a Van made by Citroen with 116 Volts of Batteries which goes about 50-60MPH

  2. chevy is coming out with a nice one soon..

  3. At the moment the best EV out there is probably the ZAP Xebra.  It goes up to 40 mph and about 25 miles/charge (though you can upgrade to longer range batteries) for $10,500.

    However, there will be some much better EVs coming out starting in 2009.

    The ZAP-X Crossover and ZAP Alias will go 155 and 100 mph, have ranges of 350 and 100 miles per charge, and cost $60,000 and $30,000, respectively.  ZAP is planning to release both in 2009.

    The Miles Javlon will be similar to the Alias - coming out in 2009, top speed of 80 mph, range of 120 miles/charge, and cost of $30,000.

    The Phoenix SUT will first only be available to fleets, but in 2008 or 2009 will start selling to individuals. It can go 90 mph, 100+ miles/charge, but will cost $45,000.

    There's also the Chevy Volt, which will act as an electric car for 40 miles and a gas/electric hybrid after that, for around $30,000 in 2010.

  4. Forget about the low-speed EVs.  They are a joke.  Here's a link to info on high-speed EVs:

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