
Is anyone else losing a ton of hair?!?

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i had to have the maitenence guy pull a huge hair clog out of my tub drain today(embarrassing) i lose hair in small clumps my brush is covered in started after i had my first and it's only gotten worse since(i've had 2,1 yr apart each and i'm preg again)does it ever go away? i used to have really thick hair now it's thin...does it ever grow back?




  1. It is normal and it will grow back once you aren't pregnant and you hormones level out again. Get ready for all sorts of things happening teeth/gum bleeding, etc...

  2. Everyone loses about 100-150 strands of hair everyday. And several factors contributes to hair loss:

    - Hormones. When you get pregnant for e.g

    - Diet. If your diet is not rich in proteins, iron and vitamins.

    - Stress

    - Some hair products

    - Hair treatments e.g straightning, perming etc

    - Dandruff

    - Scalp problems

    - Tying your hair too tightly

    So look into where you fall and get it fixed.

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