
Is anyone else loving this semi recession?

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As a broke college student I know I am.

High energy prices, Bring it!!

High foreclosure rate. Hey, the more the mirier.

Right now, Everyones just as broke and as miserable as I am.

Honest to goodness, I hope it never ends. In anycase, inflation will make it much easier for my to pay back my student loans.

Just lovin the times!!!

Are you?




  1. There was an old love song that goes "if you cannot love the one you want, love the one you are with".

    I see that you have taken the economic equivalent to that song.  So, please enjoy the recession as much as you can.  It is still better than be bitter about it, as you and I are powerless to change it.

  2. I dont' like this semi recession but maybe it could be a good occasion to solve some economic problems that we have since centuries.

    I think the situation will get worse and only then the governments will have to do something of really new and that could be something of better (maybe they will be forced to solve the problem like famine, the problems of homeless, the medical care etc).

  3. Sadly, you won't be loving it nearly as much when there aren't any jobs available upon graduation.  

    Also, inflation will make it HARDER to pay back your loans.  Inflation means your money is worth less.  Your loans value will stay constant, but the money you have won't be worth as much.  Inflation only helps you there if you get paid more money BECAUSE of the inflation, but in the real world that doesn't happen.

    Sadly, you'll be just as screwed as the rest of us.

    Your college word of the day:  hubris.

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