
Is anyone else offended by newspapers endorsing political candidates?

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i think it is so contrary to the basics of journalism that any newspaper taking an official stance is a worthless paper.




  1. I'm not offended by anything in any newspaper at any time.

  2. I think every fair-minded individual should be offended. I am supporting a particular candidate but I think the role of the media is to report the news, not endorse a candidate.

  3. I know it's a tradition for newspapers to make endorsements; it's been going on for centuries. I also know how thorough the process at most major newspapers, and how the people who make those decisions have nothing to do with the rest of the editorial staff.

    But ...

    I must admit I'm a little troubled by the action. I'd rather have a couple of op-ed pieces on respective candidates, which would add to the debate.

    Still, endorsements don't influence a great many people, and I think you could at least argue that if a newspaper is going to come out with editorials advocating a certain position, it's not a big jump to telling people how to vote.

  4. The endorsement is on the editorial page.  Unlike CBS, ABC, NBC, and CNN the endorsement is called an endorsement.  I think your anger is misdirected.  Newspapers have an expressed bias.  Fox is a conservative TV station and makes that clear.  The other news networks do not call their endorsement by its name.  But, a year in, year out theme story is the strongest editorial of all.  Remember, the networks did not dig down and report on the residential housing boom of 03 to 06.  By contrast all reports on the first president Bush were followed by a "bag lady" film and report.  Kind of like that Polar bear and Global Warming from which you infer that drilling will equate to the north cap melting and the world flooding . In November, 2008!

  5. haha, i wouldnt that picture of obama and his wife with guns(i never finnished the watching the bored me) and they got all i would laugh and think thats its funny...its just a picture, once the leader is mad, the followers are going to be mad, and thus harder for the mad followers to make people understand that their leader is better.....but thtas just me...i would laugh at the matter

  6. That's exactly correct! Most of them are worthless rags!

  7. One magazine has about as much effect on a politicians standing as a leaf does in causing a ding in a cars paint job when it falls from the tree

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    There are so many magazines on the rack to chose from today that one will be like that one leaf after it hit the car and fell to the ground

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    Which one was it again I forget

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    And who is going to let a front page story of a magazine have them shaking their head

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    Wow I didn't know that I got to vote for Tom instead of d**k because of the story Harry wrote in this months

    "Guess Who's Right" -- Magazine

    .. . ..

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