
Is anyone else out there a "relaxed" Roman Catholic?

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I certainly am!




  1. I presume i am the one

  2. I relax with everyone! I'm an atheist!

  3. yup yup yup

  4. I am always relaxed and very stress free but i am not a catholic, are you saying that catholics are more relaxed i dont think they are.i think they are just like us christians,  

  5. Yes, wonderful thing, peace of mind.

  6. I'm a Roman Catholic and have all the beliefs but I don't go to mass every Sunday but I do go sometimes and I think to God in my head and I thank him when things are good and ask for help over difficult times.

  7. Relaxed Catholic only when wearing my religious buttplug

  8. I don't know any who AREN'T.

  9. yep im irish


    im just chillinnnn

  10. So I take it you believe along with Nancy Pelosi that the Roman Catholic Church under the teachings of St Augistine approves abortion up to the first three months

  11. you give head?

  12. also am i certainly.

    i just loveee being a roman catholic.

    it's my favourite hobby. although since i am relaxed i don't bother with the whole church thing.

  13. Did you mean to say "Relapsed"?

  14. I was but 5 days in Medjugorje changed me completely.

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