
Is anyone else out there annoyed with boys names being used for girls?

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I'm sorry, I used to think unisex names were so cute and some boys names made great girls names. Then I had my (now 6 week old) son Riley. And it all changed... I can not tell you the amount of people over the last few weeks that confused Riley for a girl, I would assume because of the name (he is always dressed like a boy). I am constantly correcting people and stressing the fact that the name is a male Irish name meaning brave, also a family sirname (why I selected it). Am I the only one annoyed a bit about this? I mean... there are soooooo many awesome girls names!! More so than boys names...




  1. Our pastors daughter is named Riley and she is 5 yrs old. I always thought it was a boys name. But I do like it both ways. It think that it has become popular as a girls name no one thinks it's a boy. I love it either way. You made a good choice!  

  2. I think it's really a matter of opinion. I think Riley is a boys name because thats what my name would have been if I was born a boy. But I think the name Jordan is for a boy, and some would disagree and say it is a girls name, and I think the name Carmen is for a girl but there are some guys out there named Carmen.

  3. It can be hard to pick names when you are a first time parent, largely because you might be unaware of what current name trends are.  Names go in and out so quickly these days that you may think you know which names are trendy, but even if you are looking at lists that are 5-7 years old, they are probably already outdated.

    I encourage parents who are debating names to consult the SSA database for names.  If you look on it, you will see that Riley cracked the Top 100 for girls' names in 2002, and it has been on a steady rise ever since, coming in at #52 for last year.  For boys, it was ranked #109.

    It is somewhat annoying that we seem to run out of boys' names so quickly, because they do seem to get quickly co-opted for use on the girls' side.  Not that I like the name for boys or girls, but there seem to be a lot of people posting here that they are planning on naming their daughters Jayden.  So over time, I am sure that will end up being considered a girls' name as well.

    You chose a name you loved, and that's all that matters.  There are still enough male Rileys out there that it shouldn't matter too much if the name is also popular for girls.

  4. Me! I get very frustrated at names like Paris and Alexis being stolen for girls. You are quite right that there are SO many awesome girls names, and you can get away with some quite frilly or out-there names for girls that would simply be cruel to try on a boy. Leave the boys names for boys!

  5. It's fairly annoying unless someone has a reason for choosing one. We chose Frances as our eldest daughter's middle name (after her grnadfather and g. grandfather) but we used the feminine form, not FRANCIS.

    My friend has Hunter and Cameron, both girls. I thought it was terrible and she could have chosen better.

    I still LOVE the name you chose - Riley James - It's awesome!!!

  6. I agree. I recently heard of a girl named "Jacyn." Yea, pronounced like "Jason."

    Seriously, girls are taking all the good boy's names.

  7. some unisex names i get annoyed with but most of them don't bother me.

  8. When you have a baby, its going to be mistaken for the opposite s*x no matter what its name is.  I would try turning it into a joke instead of getting upset.  Try saying, this is my son, Riley.  I have mistaken a boy baby for a girl before, and I was much more embarrassed than the parent.  

  9. It annoys the h**l out of me.

    I especially hate names that have the word "son" in them when they're used for girls. LIke Madison, or McKensie. They all mean "SON of..."

    I think there are so many lovely girl's names that are being forgotten because people want to give their daughters "cute" "unique" names that just become trendy and common. I worry that if the trend continues, nice names like Laura, or Amy, will become "weird" or "out there" just because noone is using them anymore.  

  10. i hear sons name is gabriel not to be confused with the girls version gabrielle, witch is pronounced differently ... hes nine now and is obviously a boy but when he was a baby even dressed incredibly malely ( is that even aword lol) people still thought he was a girl even as i would say "HIS name is  gabriel" they would coo " hi gabrielle..."  drove me crazy

  11. Chill out!  Names are very flexible nowadays.  

    My daughter (4 months) has very little hair, and regardless of how much pink she's dressed in, people say I have a cute little boy.  People just lose all sense of tact whan it comes to babies...they just want to coo at them.

    I think Riley is a great name, for either gender.

  12. Well I do have to agree with you. As i obviously love the name just as much as you do. I think of Riley as a boys name. Before I saw the espisode of Desperate Housewives where the new family turned up I had never heard of a girl called Dylan. In Uk that is a boys name for sure. And Miley Cyrus' sister Noah ok she fits it and it's cute but that is a boy's name from way back. I do fear that I will be doing the same if and when I have a boy(and I call him Riley Owen) but it isn't going to stop me. I LOVE it too much. Hope you are good I must reply I will in morning right now it is 00.05 am and I'm off to sleep :)


  13. i agree! like casey!

    it is veryyyy annoyinggg. =)

  14. Well some names are actually SURNAMES that are being used for first names. As you mentioned, Riley was a family surname. So I think its equal claim for boys or girls.

    Sorry i don't have a child, so I can only relate this to my 11 year old Dalmatian. I liked the whole surname for a first name idea, and I named her Bailey. And people often assume she's a boy.. and tell me that Bailey is a boy's name. And they get this idea from the TV show "Party of Five". To which I often reply, no its actually a surname. AND... before that TV character had the name, it was also the name of a female character in the TV show "WKRP in Cincinatti"

  15. I agree!  Very annoying indeed!

  16. yeah that would be annoying . my name is unisex, its avery and people always tell me thats a boys name . I think riley is a better name for a boy anyway .

  17. I love boyish names for girls! It all depends on personal taste.

    I mean, there are some unisex name that I would never consider for a girl (like Cameron or Riley) but there are a lot that I would.

    Just as there are *tons* of girly names I like and *tons* that I don't like.

    I don't think people should be reprimanded for their taste in names, which is something humans will never agree on.


  18. I can see the confusion, Riley sounds feminine to me.

  19. Love the name Riley, but I will admit this is the first time I have herd it used for a boy. But its still very nice, and means something to you so try not to let it get to you too much.

    Personally I think some people are just a little off and don't think about what they say to people. I mean if he is dressed as a boy then you could have named him Ashley for all they care he is obviously a boy right?

    My daughter gets her names mispronounced all the time. Her name is Mina  

    (Meena) and they always pronounce it MYNA, bother me to no end!

  20. Yes! Finally! Somebody gets it! It is annoying and i think people should name their kids names with the appropriate gender. Thank you for pointing this out.

    Please answer my question if you get the chance:;...

  21. I hate it! My least favorite is Blake being used for girls, but that's because Blake-for-a-boy is a family name...

    Seriously though, there are tons of great girl names that are waiting for people to use them, and these uncreative parents...ugh. They can do so much better.

  22. I know where you're coming from.  We named our son Tyler which to me is a total boy name (Taylor has become a girl name) but we still get the occasional question "is it a boy or girl?" despite the fact that I dress him primarily in blues...

    I don't understand. I personally like somewhat more girly names on girls.  It seems like there are soo many better girl names than boy names out there( I had a hard time picking out a boy name).  Leave the boy names alone and pick a girl name for your girl...

    I have only known boys with the name Riley. sorry for frustration, but believe me you're not the only one...hopefully this fad will pass and our boys can grow up with their boy names!

  23. I totally agree with you.

  24. I have a niece named Jeramie, pronounced like Jeremy.

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