
Is anyone else out there anti SUV and feel that it?

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may be just selfish and wasteful or overly indulging. I appreciate the fact that large family units, farmers and people doing moving, hauling etc. need larger vehicles, but too often I see solo individuals driving these monster vehicles and I wonder why given the cost of gas, the need to improve the environment etc., these vehicles are everywhere. If you go to an urban or suburban shopping mall, the number of these oversized vehicles is staggering. I often feel that these indiviuals are more aggressive on the road given the size of the vehicles they drive. Could there be some compensation mechanism going on due to feelings of inferiority or smallness in other areas? PS I know this goes against the Amercan mania for owning bigger and bigger cars. Nor I am not a displaced flower child, an environmental freak or even a bleeding heart liberal. I am a conservative republican on most matters, but having all of these big cars seems wasteful and destructive to our society.




  1. This is more of a commentary than a question. Some people need SUVs for off-roading, towing, or carrying people. Some people may be compensating (but you could compensate with a fast car too, not just SUVs). Some people just like a high driving position. Some might be better off with a station wagon.

    Nothing new.

  2. I have one of those suv's.......I only have it because it is necessary.

    I have a small rice-burner too, but I can't fit anything larger than a box of dishes.  If I didn't have one of these "unruly SUV's", I would not have been able to bring Christmas presents home for my child!!!!!  Most of the items would not even fit in the small car!

    Want to own a boat?  You can not pull the boat and trailer with a small car!  

    Have a cabin in the woods......good luck getting there is a car!

    If you ever owned a home, the occasional water heater or kitchen appliance replacement-------can't fit it in the small economical car........wait for delivery which could be 3-7 days from now.......or, just load it into your truck!

    In a perfect world, we would all have hybrid vehicles.  But people need to work, carry large items.....carry a family AND stuff, and maybe pull a trailer.  Your small car is out of the picture!!!

  3. SUV's suck..esp while ur taking a right turn on red and a stupid SUV comes the left lane and blocks the entire view..

  4. This is a first.

    Why didn't I think of that?.......You're so smart.

    You should be president of the US of A......CoughBull****!@#!

    Stop making commentaries  or at least think of something new to say.

  5. SUV=Stupid  Unnecessary Vehicle. I hate them no end. Every one that has one can't drive,has no respect for anyone else and thinks their immune to all traffic laws. There is no need for them. We got along fine without them before they started clogging up the roads. What's funny is listening to their owners complain about gas prices and thinking there SUV is cool .

  6. I'm not so much against the SUV, I'm against the morons behind the wheel of some of these SUVs. The ones who bully other drivers, drive without ANY regard for the people they share the road with, and BARELY have the skills necessary to drive a car, much less a vehicle twice the size of one.

    The guy above me brings many valid points to the table. A lot of people need these vehicles, and I don't begrudge them one bit! It's the people that buy them as status symbols I think the poster has a problem with... I mean come on! When is ANYBODY taking a Lincoln Navigator off-roading or load up a water heater at Home Depot?

    If you can afford it, buy it, that's my line, but if I have to share the road with you, at least drive like you have some sense.

  7. SUVs - designed to take advantage of a tax perk introduced by BUSH right?  Keep burning oil at an alarming rate and we'll effectively pay for your car.

    Dont panic - SUVs wont be around too much longer.  Even the most staunchly oil driven people in the US are beginning to see that such waste is unsustainable.

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