
Is anyone else out there sick of hearing the global warming hysteria?

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The green movement also! We need to teach our children to use and not waste,whether it is food or other resources,just as we did in the 40's at the homefront. These people are not as concerned about saving us and the planet, as they are about exerting their authority and new found power over the rest of us ,that are tied up trying to stay afloat,amongst raising energy costs, new rules and laws that cripple rather than nurture progress, and growth. Will we ever learn that government did something well and practical? They can not even do the main job of government, protect our system from harm,preserve our language,culture,borders,and inforce the law of the land,with no exception or favor shown,to any particular group, race, or sexual preference. The 'green' laws are all in the favor of the ones that are about to,or are making a killing,and will exempt the other governments, and the ones that pay to sin.




  1. Fact is without a planet we cant do any of those other things you just talked about. Global warming is real. We are real lucky to be here. And were on the verge of messing it all up. The big concern of global warming is to stop the melting of the polar ice caps so that the north atlantic isint deluted of salt water and the north atlantic current dosent stop. If the current dose stop then no more hot air will be blown into europe and that will cause europe to go into an iceage by the year 2025. And then the u.s. will be facing some real problems. The reason energy cost are going up is simply this.We are running out of oil and coal. Both are non renuable resources. If we dont change to alternative energy sources now then life as we know it will simply grind to a screching halt by year 2050. Thats the year we are projected to have used up every traditional power source we know of. Mainly coal and oil. We will go back to the stone age lady. Im shure your an all conservative yahoo. Whitch is fine. You have that right, thats what makes america so special. But dont go bashing one of our times greatest minds before you know the science. Al Gore is a genius. And as for sin. We are no better than anyother country in the western world. As a matter of fact we may be worse than most.

  2. I like pollution it's how we live.  Would you like to try living with no fuel?

  3. i am

  4. Actually like hearing bout it! someone here on Answers should ask that question.HMMMM..

  5. I see your point on how too many people are saying we have to stop polluting. The amount of stuff going into the air compared to the amount we're cutting back is a huge difference. What we're trying to do today should have been done YEARS ago. We should instead prepare for what will happen from global warming (flooding, no more gas, etc.) So yes, I agree with you, what people are trying to do like little carpools, or walking more, is pointless, beacuse everything they say we have to stop is going to happen anyway.

  6. Hence, we must  do our  part to help save Mother Earth.

  7. No.  I am tired of 40* days when we used to have snow and below the 30's.  Now my car gets a ice wrap on it that froze me out of it until 4PM and piles of frozen slush to use ice melt on.  It paralyzed my area for emergency travel.   This is the normal snow now.  Dry powder was  easier than a ice crust that wets from friction of tires for driving.  There is a definite change as we know in the northeast USA.  Alaska is losing the polar bears, let alone their homes to the warm weather melting away at the ice islands and glaciers.  The polar bears are drowning as they live on these islands and my family has peat mush and water  rather than a permafrost that allows homes to be stable and dry.  They will never be sick of the voices of those who believe they need help.  They are sick of those who believe it is okay to pollute as long as they have deep pockets so full of cash that their greedy egos are fulfilled. Inconsideration is like a fast pace disease and so is greed for those " live for today attitudes."

  8. Not me!!!!!! I think we need to keep talking about it until people get so pissed off that they actually start doing something.

  9. Yes I am fed up with the hysteria and hearing Al Gore's name all the time.  Also I don't like governments who try to control what I can and can't do when there is no obvious need.

    But we can't ignore climate change.  It is happening and there are numerous examples.  People are being adversely affected already and if nothing is done it will get worse.  It won't be a disaster for most of us - but it could affect our children and grandchildren.

    What we need is a positive desire for each of us to take the small steps needed to look after our planet and to make sure that we all pay for the pollution we create - including the carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere.  We need to use the market forces to encourage the right sort of behaviour.

  10. Totally sick an tired of it all. It gets me really mad to see so much money wasted trying to prove the unprovable, and then we are the ones picking up the tag. We have to pay extortionate taxes not only on fuel but on all commodities because they need fuel to be transported to us. Third word countries are penalised for trying to develop industries in the same manner in which we already have. They sell us their food at rock bottom prices only for "green warriors" to try and stop us buying them because of the amount of shipping involved, all based on ROCKY science. I was taught that science was the search for truth ! It has become the laughing stock of the civilised word telling us one thing only later to tell us the opposite is true. Why do we have to listen to it.

  11. nope,   we all need to be aware

    besides we have our own opinions

  12. Yes agreed - this relates to the fact that a person is intelligent (e.g pros like scientists who know the plain facts and understand them) but people are stupid (the mass of office media celeb crazed public in the Western world). This is why I'm working to become an environmental orientated geologist.

  13. I am sick of people not believing in global warming. We have the technology to save the earth but we don't use it.

  14. YES!! We are just talking why dont we do something!! Al Gore needs to shut up too!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~`

  15. Gretchen's right.

  16. im not! we NEED to be aware of it

  17. Unfortunately, yes. just like a great song that is overplayed. Global warming may be important (I think overall it is good to keep tabs on that), but this trend has gone too far mainstream to have any actual impact. It seems to have gotten away from scientific fact to newest trend. Now this year, every award show and potential charity is using the cause to "Go Green" and show support. Sounds like a bandwagon to me.

  18. totally agree with you.

    I want to keep the enviroment clean because I like the outdoors, and the beauty of nature is worth protecting.

    I don't need the government forcing me to, or scaring me into it with made up bullsh*t like global warming.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep nature nice, but taking it to a militant "environmentalist-wacko" level is stupid.

  19. Yes, deliberate denial misinformation should carry legal liabilities for the professional PR firms that sponsor the false appearance of debate (freedom of speech should not protect deliberate and harmful lies).

    For politicians there should be the additional possibility of facing treason charges if it can be shown that they are knowingly doing things contrary to the country's welfare and security.

    Holding people responsible for their words and actions would clean up the rhetoric in a hurry.

  20. Yes.

    I'm tired of the global warming theory that just a few decades ago was the global cooling theory.  This is nothing more than part of a larger political agenda.  Some people have made this their religion.

    These are mother nature deniers.  Global warming & cooling has been happening for billions of years and will continue to happen until the core of the planet finally cools and the entire planet dies.  There is simply nothing we can do to change this.  

    If stopping these fanatics wasn't so serious, this entire thing would be laughable.

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