The green movement also! We need to teach our children to use and not waste,whether it is food or other resources,just as we did in the 40's at the homefront. These people are not as concerned about saving us and the planet, as they are about exerting their authority and new found power over the rest of us ,that are tied up trying to stay afloat,amongst raising energy costs, new rules and laws that cripple rather than nurture progress, and growth. Will we ever learn that government did something well and practical? They can not even do the main job of government, protect our system from harm,preserve our language,culture,borders,and inforce the law of the land,with no exception or favor shown,to any particular group, race, or sexual preference. The 'green' laws are all in the favor of the ones that are about to,or are making a killing,and will exempt the other governments, and the ones that pay to sin.