
Is anyone else out there sick of store employees who waltz up to you and ask how you're doing?

by  |  earlier

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First of all they don't really care how you're doing. They've been told to ask. Secondly, at the same time they're letting you know that you have been noticed ......."So don't get ideas about shoplifting, buddy!" Thirdly, since someone smiled at me, I am now supposed to connect "smiling face" with the name of the store..........So here's what I have decided to do. Every time an employee asks me how I'm doing , he's gonna get an answer something like......."Terrible, I haven't had a woman in two years!" or......"Terrible. I'm out of dope, and my connection got busted."




  1. It seems to be the worst at Best Buy.  Each department you go to they ask you.  Go to the DVD area someone asks you if they can help you find something.  TV area, the same.  Video games, ditto.  CD's, yep.  and so on and so forth.

  2. They are just doing their job. Give them a break. It's better than being a jerk.

  3. No, I feel sorry for them since they are doing their job and so many customers treat them poorly by giving them nasty answers when they ask polite questions.  If they don't ask, they can get in trouble.  If you don't like how employees act in a store, stop patronizing the store.  Nobody is forcing you to go there.

    The store employees I am sick of are the ones who ignore you when you try to get their attention to ask a question or get assistance for a purchase.

    Obviously you have never worked in or known anyone who works in the retail industry.  It seems to be a thankless job.

  4. I don't mind it, what I do mind is when you say fine and keep walking they hunt you down like a hawk and won't leave you alone...

  5. You apparently don't know how much it stinks to be one of those employees and have no choice but to walk up to random strangers and ask how they're doing, most of whom ignore or say something rude back to you.  Be polite, it's not their choice and if they didn't do it they get in trouble.

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