
Is anyone else out there surprisingly frustrated with our nations inability to use semicolons properly?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It's not number one on my list either, but is certainly a great topic for debate. Where is ee cummings when we need him? In any case, all of you might enjoy this article:


  2. Umm... What's a semi colon ; i am confused. However ; I might figure it out for ya, wink wink ; ;

  3. No, I'm afraid I am still heavily engaged in the Great Apostrophe Battle. Losses have been heavy and I must not be distracted from my mission. Unfortunately, the lesser punctuations will simply have to wait. Rest assured however,  if I survive I will certainly join you on the Semi-colon Front.

    Be brave!

  4. yeah bad

  5. Unquestionably. A matter very much on par with such other issues as depleted uranium, cluster bombs, the Codex Alimentarius, and eugenics  :)))

  6. It's not just that.  People also don't know how to use an apostrophe, and sometimes don't even know what it is!  You might be surprised how many people think it's a comma.  I'm screaming with you.

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