
Is anyone else pshyic?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried to hide it for years now but its so constant now I can't hide it anymore. I feel like a freak on a leash(not to steal anything from KORN) I just need to know there are more people like me out there. Please I just want to talk.




  1. no I'm not but if you can prove you are to people who you are close to they prolly wont think your weird i just had some stuff have that i dreamed bout before that's all anyway you should become like Sylvia Browne and make so much money lucky girl :) oh yeah so yeah i got a question how are you psychic can you tell the future or read minds? or what?

  2. Everyone has Psychic "powers" within them.  Some people are just naturally more developed than others, in different ways.

    Most are just mainly bogged down because of the non-belief of the "powers", which tells the sub-conscious mind that "YOU DONT HAVE PSYCHIC POWERS, THEY ARE FAKE".  So many people lose a lot of their ability.

    So, yes, I have the ability. So do many others.

  3. iam "pshyic" i knew someone was going to tell you to learn how to spell and it was the first comment

  4. You are not alone,  there are many of us out here.

    If you would like some help controlling it before it drives you insane, give me a shout.  It is one of the many things I do.

    It is possable to live a normal live with these abilities.

  5. no, and neither are u!

  6. Yes, I can see things in visions and dreams.

  7. If you can prove you are psychic you can get a million dollars from some guy. Google it. So far nobody has done it and it will never be done because nobody is able to read people's thoughts.

  8. Why are you asking? Shouldnt you know?

  9. There are no psychics as you probably understand it.

    You are perhaps empathetic toward people.  If so, you can usually pick up on their subtle clues about feelings and emotions.  You can "read" a person easily.  This helps you be very accurate with regards to instincts, and can come off as seeming psychic.  However, you can't predict anything with 100% accuracy, and you're not clairvoyant.  You just have better instincts than most.

  10. I am sorry that so many people are being so cruel to you on your question.  I am a reader at a metaphysical book store and understand your loneliness.  You can find some people to talk to through the communities on line.  Check out your local community to find other psychics.  Of course be careful and be smart.  A metaphysical store is a good place to start because it is a public place.  Try to connect with your spirit guide or guardian angels.  You might try to put out the energy to bring understanding friends or friends who share your talents.  Blessed be.

  11. Yes,I have been gifted with pre-cognition, as have some above me. Ive experienced some percognitive dreams before, and some of them came true. Two of my dreams matched the book of revelation, by John of Patmos, even though I had never heard of the book before....This skill comes in handy as a paranormal hunter, but its too bad I cant control it....

  12. My great-grandmother, my mother and I am. My mother only communicates in dreams. My grandmother could tell the future and I can communicate with spirits if thats what you want to call them. I can only ask them yes or no questions. They are everywhere.

  13. im not but i got 4 out of 5 on a test for bein physic

  14. It's too bad you can't spell, but I guess you can't have it all.

  15. Yes "we" are not alone! I mean someone like me.  :)

    You should be proud of what you have because not every one is gifted with such abilities.

    My abilities are clairvoyance and channeling...
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