
Is anyone else ....?

by Guest33100  |  earlier

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is anyone else out there clairvoyant, telepathic, have remote viewing, or retro.... something ..... its when you know what happened in the past in a place..... or have anything else like that? :o)




  1. sure many people have such special talents...a friend in New York is clairvoyant...and for most of my life...i will receive a premonition of events to come around people in my area...and I would always know when my mother was going to call or contact me....some friends and I have that even now...and my children and I have it also...we think of one of us and that person calls...

  2. Without being disrespectful or insulting.Are the miners still alive?What's my dogs name.How old am I?Where am I?Why in the world would anyone believe you.Are you serious?

  3. It totally exists.

    the people who don't have the ability just shoot it down. So keep up the good work and ignore the sour grapes people.

  4. While some people say these talents don't exist, others (such as myself) have had experiences that support the concepts.

    I haven't seen the past or the future, but by holding an object from a person that I don't know, I can often "see" recent events or situations in their life.

  5. I have not heard anything of that sort.  But for specific happening of events, good historians can answer historical events.  But I found the internet search to look for information that happened in the past.

  6. Whos to say what's beyond possibility, we are discovering new things all the time. It doesn't make something impossible because nobody has seen it. Maybe that's all there is too it, nobody has witnessed it so we cast aside the idea.

  7. I'm sure you'll get plenty of positive responses. Many people think they have these abilities.

    I'm just sad that not a single one of them could be bothered to remote-view into that mining tunnel to see if those poor souls are alive or not.

  8. Clairvovant- yes, remote vewing (hard to do, but sometimes), yes I can tell what happened in the past of a place if I'm actually there or have a picture or something... I contact spirits too, thats why I'm researching ghosts, have my own group in Canada.... I also have a talent for the tarot..... I do not charge money, that's wrong (but a coffee is always nice... or chocolate). That is among my other things I do, besides teaching others how to do it.

    You know, everyone has the abilities to do this. It's those that think they can't that have wrecked it for themselves, but it is easy to learn with an open mind... I've had students surpass me on occasion, but that's rare.

  9. Sorry babe, never have. Some people think they've been re-incarnated like General Paton; he thought he had been other great military leaders in the past.  Love ya!


  10. Why wouldn't there be anyone else?

  11. some of us are more sensitive than others and those that are not  feel less of a person and their only retaliation for their lack of ability is sour grapes.

    They can only see that they have no intuition or insight so they have to make others that do feel bad like they do.

    If they were decent people, they wouldn't be bothered enough to have to shoot you down for your abilities.

    I feel sorry for these sad little people.

    Their god is James Randi who failed as a magician but has never been able to prove that paranormal doesn't exist so he

    uses rhetoric and negativism to replace actual evidence and proof.

  12. There are two kinds of people in this world--reality-based and magic-based.  Those who subscribe to reality have difficulty believing in things like this because there is absolutely not evidence to suggest such things exist.  Those who believe in magic are satisfied with personal experience being adequate in providing evidence that such things exist.

    Reality or magic?

  13. Such powers do not exist, alas.

    If anyone had any of these powers, they could reap the one million dollar prize offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF).  No-one has been able to do so.

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