
Is anyone else reading this concerned and worried about global warming for our children?

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Just wondering, because it makes me so sad that my three year old son, and mostly all children growing up now will have such a difficult environment to grow up in if global warming is extreme. Hopefully it won't be the harshest it could be, for that I pray to God




  1. Don't worry scientists are predicting that it will be atleast another 100 years before global warming seriously affects the way we live.

  2. Don't worry Melis - your children will be just fine. Global warming is highly exaggerated.

  3. i'm extremely worried.

    there's a good chance my kids won't know what polar bears are, and that bothers me.

    if it scares me speechless and wakes me in the night.

    i'm bothered about the flooding I keep seeing.

    and those high winds.

    and the fact that there is something not quite right about the fact we're still walking round in Tshirts in october.

    i'm right on the same page.

  4. i think it sux

    i'm 16 and i seriously don't want my kids to

    have a horrible future because of global warming

    i hope the new president actually DOES something

    about global warming. i want them to take action

    only if there were more people that cared about the world  =/

  5. Well, you can thank Al Gore for that scare tactic.

    The world won't explode even if it is true 100%.

    It will simply , change.

    It's not like, one second your kids are playing in the sandbox; and then, BANG, global warming knocks them into a disasterous death. NO.

    The world is MUCH different than it was 1000s of years ago (even millions) yet life and humans flourished. We adapt, thats what happens. ( I'm not saying humans existed in present form millions of years ago, for those who like to point out small flaws)

    Worst case scenario : New coastlines. I live in Philly. Hey, I could have beachfront property. Sounds cool! In either case, life goes on. AL Gore is a showman with his gang of pseudo-scientists paying attention when it gets warm and completly ignoring it when it is abnormally cold. That is NOT science. That is agenda-driven "proof" gathering. If it don't fit in, ah, ignore it.

    PS: remember the ice age scare a couple decades ago. They were SO sure about it, and a host of other scary scenarios.

    I believe it is getting warmer, but so what. We'll live through it, we are an intelligent species.

  6. this mioght be a natural climate change, not man made, even though we are contributing to it, not alot. just hope they will get through it, and our world and the minds in it will change.

  7. Ummmm...have you checked out the weather in China lately? I think they are praying for global warming about now... They are experiencing the coldest extended weather on record there....

    It's just the Earth being it's usual unpredictable self. It's also proof God has a sense of humor.  :-)

  8. What worries me is all the idiotic posts by skeptics who are only repeating highly prejudiced opinions by people who believe Al Gore to be a communist devil out to get them.  BOO

    Ignore the stupid remarks about cold winter too. the IPCC climate report only claims about 1degree farenheit temperature change in the last century.  Nowhere in the IPCC report do they say it will be noticably warmer everywhere on earth. In fact they say there will be all kinds of variations over individual decades and years and in different places.

    We all know the weather varies all the time.  That says nothing about global patterns over decades or centuries.

    In arctic regions temperatures have increased much more than in the temperate zone where most of us live.

    It's the overall effect; like have you noticed that spring comes about 2 weeks earlier now?  

    You are right to be concerned.  What's ironic is that most of these skeptics are obviously very young.  I'm not.  It's for them and their world that I am concerned.  Maybe they are too self centered to care.  

    Don't let the debate about global warming get in the way of realizing that we are endangering all our ecosystems in other ways not related to global warming.  There are solutions and they are the same ones being recommended to reduce global warming.   Don't lose heart, we have the ability to make a difference.  We are only limited by our thinking.

  9. If Global Warming is a fact, then we are doomed! Doomed, I say!  And you can forget the god stuff as well!  There are no gods to come to our rescue!  

    What do you expect of this 'god' you believe in to do?  You think he's going to say "Ok, I'm going to reverse this GW this time, but this is your last chance!"  Or is he just going to give a mighty blow, and cool us down a few degrees?

    Gimme a break!  Get real, there is no god!  Have you ever seen him?  Have you?  He is supposed to be your creator, but you haven't seen him?  Don't you think that is REALLY peculiar?

  10. no, I am a Creationist and I don't believe in Global warming

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