
Is anyone else really afraid of what's happening in Georgia?

by  |  earlier

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Russia is bombing civilians. Yes, Georgia started it, but it was a military to military attack. The situation scares me. Sounds like the spark to begin a world war.




  1. Yes, terrible situation, but I don't want the U.S. to have anything to do with it. It's not our problem, it's between Russia and Georgia. Our soldiers have been sent back and fourth between Afghanistan and Iraq for the past 8 years, this country can't handle any more conflict.

  2. I dont believe this will be the World War, yet again it might be. But im not to scared but it tells me that Russia is heartless do to the fact that they have to attack innocent lives.  

  3. It could spark a world war because the media is already trying to drag the U.S. into it.

  4. it scares me too.. it was a really stupid thing to do on Georgia's part..

    how did they think they'd get away with it?

    "i'm going to attack the biggest country on earth!"

    but russia bombing civilians is crossing a line, i think they are proving a point, being that they are once again re-emerging as a superpower..

    and it shouldn't be our problem.. U.N. or NATO should step in, not the US..

    this could be a problem as it probably could spark another world war..

  5. Don't forget that Georgia didn't attacked Russia but his own territory...

    Russia attacking to Georgia and he says that Ossetia is attacking why is he hiding the truth?

  6. Yes im aftraid too.

    We already have enough problems on this earth we do not need a world war.

    I think war is pretty stupid..killing inocient people how can that be right?

    I hope it ends soon : )

  7. no. i hope russia destroys them.

  8. Yes most definitely. Because america seems to be such strong ali's with Georgia, it may cause some hatred with russia. if that happens than my trip to russia next year will be canceled possibly. bummer.

  9. Funny how this happened in 2006 with Lebanon but what's the difference? Israel was attacking terrorists but still innocent civilians...

    Did America get involved then?  

  10. Remember that Georgia started this by shelling the people in South Ossetia. 1,500 of them are dead because of Georgian attack. The Russians are protecting them. The only Georgian civilians who are dead were located near military targets.

    "We lost our city ... The Georgians are like n***s, they are killing civilians, women and children with heavy artillery and rockets," said 28-year-old Sarmat Laliyev, a Tskhinvali resident who had fled to Dzhava, a village near the border with Russia.

  11. I agree. It's frightening to say the least. The US is allies with Georgia. If they ask for our help in it, then we'll be entering. The president has the right to send troops away for up to 3 years. Then, after that the congress has the right to tell them to immediately evacuate. But that's still 3 years over there. Can you imagine? Georgia was the 3rd largest contributor of forces in Iraq. They had to pull out for their country's sake, of course. And so we'd be obligated to help. I'm personally afraid that we're going to enter another world war. It's a gut feeling. Usually the gut is right. I don't see Russia backing down from ANYTHING.

    -Later Gator-

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