
Is anyone else refusing to vote for Obama unless Hillary or Kukinich is on the ticket for VP?

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I don't think biden deserves the VP canidate hilarry put up a good fight and is thee strongest 2ndary president out there, and i just love kukinich

anyway im thinkin about voting for mccain if i see that fool biden on his ticket i want hillary or kukinich or nothing




  1. yes i completely agree.. the only way i was going to vote for obama was if hillary was on the ticket biden was a horrible choice.. i hate to admit it.. but i guess im going to vote for mccain.. or maybe just write in steve colbert!

  2. no

  3. No, unfortunately it won't be Kucinich, we can be sure of that.

  4. lol

    not me.

    I hoped he picked Biden and predicted he would.

    Obama continues to impress with his organization and decision making during this campaign.  He will make such a great president.

    As for you, lol......

    what lame thing are you trying to stir up???? and why?

    Man , is this really the best you guys can do?  this is going to be easier than I thought.  This is very sad to see.  I really feel sorry for you guys.  your despair is showing through clearly.

    Nice try kathyk....I dont believe that you are a democrat at all...just a desperate republican running out of ideas.

    lol   man lame is that?

  5. My wife and daughter switched from Hilliary to McCain after Obama won the nomination. I believe this will be a common pattern.

  6. I'm refusing to vote for Obama unless McCain is on the ticket.

  7. nope.  Biden wasn't on my short list of favorites, but neither were clinton or kucinich, but I don't really care, I vote for the top of the ticket unless the bottom of the ticket is really bad.  Even though Biden wasn't on my list, I approve.

  8. Kucinich is completely out of the question.

    I would never vote for Obama if he DID choose Hillary as the VP.  She's a megalomaniac and a liar.

    As it is, I think Biden was a smart choice for him.

    I take it by your avatar name that you wouldn't vote for Obama anyway, so your indignation is moot.

  9. It appears to me that Obama is running on the "Change" ticket.  How can you stand for change and select Joe Biden who is a washington insider.  A washington insider has many backs that he must pat and 'favors' to repay to other insiders.  I may vote libitarian this go round.  

  10. Biden is an outstanding choice.  An exceptional, hard-working American.  This is one hot ticket.  Enough about Hillary.  She didn't make the cut - twice.

    Of course, judging by your name, your critical thinking skills have considerable challenges.

  11. hahahahahahahahaha..That's a good one.

    To somehow put Kucinich and Hillary at the same level is laughable.

  12. No, and judging from your avatar and name, I doubt you are voting for Obama regardless of whom he would have chosen.

  13. I'm a Democrat through and through, because my ideals not only come from my mind -- they also come from my heart, a strong desire to end the war responsibly, and another undying desire to see the corrupt Republicans leave the White House for the first time in eight tormenting years.  Hillary still has the possibility of being in an Obama administration.

  14. it"s stupid idiots like you  with absolutely no knowledge of anything who have RUINED THIS GREAT COUNTRY AND PUT US TWO DISASTERS AWAY FROM BEING A THIRD WORLD for obama or vote for the same old b******s.....joe biden happens to be a real thinker and worker even though hillary was my choice.......idiots like you watch too much of the fox channels lies and too many cartoons ..please do your country, neighbors, and relatives a favor and stay away from the don't deserve the prililege of a vote if you are that stupid

  15. No because otherwise you would have to support McCain, who, although I don't hate the idea of him being president, I would much rather have Obama be president. I would rather have Hillary too, but I think that since it is for VP not Pres, you should go for the PRESIDENTIAL canditate you prefer regardless of the VP candidate.

  16. Boy are those future Mccain ads were Biden says Obama is inexperienced are going to be a treat.

  17. spot on! although an unpopular opinion with the die hard Obama fans.

  18. Just Republicans posing as Clinton supporters

  19. no, especially if hillary is

    Hillary put up a good fight... and didn't give up until the last possible moment. What makes you think she wouldn't be a control freak as the Vice President. I think she will still play an important role as someone to look to for advice.

  20. I made up my mind, I'm not voting for BO.   I'm tired of the Lessor of two evils mentality.  I will write in Hillary Clinton.  If we get McCain, so be it.  These idiot Dems are not playing with my mind anymore.  I am going to do what's right for me.  BTW I never got the email or text msg either.  Just another BO lie.

  21. Well its official now. Its good old Joe Biden. Talk about the worst possible choice for VP.

  22. Obama isn't going to select Hillary as the VP because she still wants the nomination. While Obama was making himself look like a fool, Hillary was sitting back taking a break. Hillary never dropped out which means she could still get the nomination at the Convention.

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