
Is anyone else scared of roller coaster but really wants to like them?

by  |  earlier

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I love watching them but they are just way too scary for me. I was scared to death on Space Mountain and that's actually very mild compared to most rollercoasters. I don't like upside down ones. I'd love to be able to enjoy them with my friends. I'm terrified of heights and I hate the sensation that I feel like I'm going to die on a rollercoaster. How come I can't enjoy them? I lover waterparks and go on water slides (just not the ones that go straight down)?




  1. I used to be scared to death of rollercoasters.  I remember one time in particular when my Dad made me ride one of those Caged Ferris Wheel rides at a local festival.  Once we got to the top he started rocking the cage and telling me that he thought the bolt to our car might be loose.  Horrible right?  Haha

    Of all places to discover that I liked Roller Coasters was Korea.  Why was it the wrong place?  Because they have little to no safety regulations over there.  I went to the bathroom and when I came out an ambulance was taking someone away from one of the rides.  I suppose they could have gotten sick or had a non-roller coaster related illness, but it made me wonder.  Luckily it didn't keep me from riding the rides.

    How did I get over it?  Fear is always always always based on fear of loss.  In this case I was and you are, afraid of losing control.  When you get on the ride you have to accept that whatever will happen will happen...and there is zero you can do to change that fact.  Once you stop trying to "stay alive" on roller coasters you'll learn to loosen up and have fun.  

    I know that all sounds easier said than done, and it is.  The only solution is to actually ride them and try and control your emotions when you are on them.  You need to let go and relax, accept that you cannot change your fate once you get on...and enjoy the ride.

    For a while part of my strategy was to freak other people out...making them second guess the quality of the ride made me forget I was scared at all!

    Have fun!

  2. i used to have the same problem i was scared of roller coasters but i really wanted to like them and  i hated that feeling u get on them so last year when i went to the universal parks and disney parks in orlando i promised myself that id go on every single ride (even dumbo lol) and i didnt like them at first but i started to get used to the feeling and started 2 like it and im not scared of heights but you just go up and then *** striaght back down so your not really at a height for long well thats wat my brothers says he's afraid of heights aswell so i guess he just enjoys it so much that he forgets he's high up my advice start going on mild roller coasters then head for the bigger ones once your used to it a bit more

  3. I'm not afriad of them I love em'.

        : )

  4. oh thats me!

    answer mine!;...

  5. I am so scared of rollercoasters its not funny. I turn green just watching the big ones do their loop de loops. Honestly tho I accidently got on one recently and I will go on it again. its called Revenge of the Mummy and it was at Universal Studios Orlando. I didn't know what it did but because of the movie I wanted to ride it. Its an indoor rollercoaster and while it didn't do loop de loops it did do a few corkscrews. Very fast! But anyway, still won't get on outdoor coasters.

  6. everyone thinks i'm a wimp bc i hate the shivering timbers ride, but it's funnny i like every other ride besides that one, and i do want  to like it but i don't.

  7. Omg, I want to love roller coasters so bad, Especially the ones at Cedar Point, but I'm half afraid of heights, and Im afraid of upisde down rides, I really dont like them, and most roller coasters go upside down. I share your pain

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