
Is anyone else secretly hoping and/or preparing for a zombie invasion?

by  |  earlier

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It seems preferable to my serene, controlled life in suburbia.




  1. I hope for it everyday.  I even have a detailed plan on what I would do.

  2. All you need to control a zombie out break is a fat kid standing down in alley with a mulcher blocking the entrance to the alley and poke the kid with a stick (you can also modify it for a rail car, using a speaker). The fat kid yells (irresistible bait for any zombies) and they walk to the ally and into the wood mulcher very very simple, and are ground into fertilizer. You don't even need a fat kid (even though they could live off there body fat). So why prepare, there are pleny of ways to control zombies like chain link fences (we are talking about creatures who can't even handle a door nob)

  3. Why?? You probably watched resident evil to much. Look want my advice if nothing happens 2012 then prepare at least for 2030. Thats definetly the end of the world. And no its not Zombies from beyond the grave but little marshean men on an asteroid.

  4. i think all of us hope for some chaotic event to shake up our sleepy lives, to give us a change. and then you find yourself in the middle of a series unexplainable events, wishing to go back to boring and sleepy. humanity is never happy!

    anyway: i load up my car (making sure im not seen by the walking dead) with anything remotely useful and start patrolling the area around my suburb for the most defendable places where people might still be, getting them to load up a car of useful stuff too (special interests: schools, universities, hardware stores, police stations) once i have a sizeable force of people then the convoy drives to the shopping mall and clear it of undead. despite clich'e, a shopping mall has to be the most defendable position with an already existing food source. then i'd set the place up like a fortress and send search parties out to the surrounding suburbs and then into the city, ever searching for survivors, supplies and improved weapons. from there i'd send out advanced scouts looking for a better defendable position far from any major threats.

    yeah! the more i say it the more i want it to happen. ah well. fingers crossed...sorta...

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