
Is anyone else seriously concerned about Palin as potential president?

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It seems to me that too much concern has been given to picking a person to appeal to the masses, in this case a woman, and not enough concern given to the fact that she may not be capable of being president. I'm worried because John McCain isn't getting any younger. I love the guy, but it's a hard life, and he won't live forever. I also fear she is too easily influenced by the republican hawks, whilst McCain clearly has his own opinions. What do you guys think?




  1. Palin has more executive experiance than mccain, obama and biden combined.

  2. She is scary and a religious fanatic, even her voice gets on my nerves.

  3. She will be the only conservative on the ticket. McCain bothers me more, that is why I will not vote for him. I will be voting for Chuck Baldwin, Constitution Party.  

  4. Given that you accused Mrs. Palin of being a "moralizer" who "says one thing and does another," I'm not sure that anyone should give a fig what you think.   No offense!

    How did she "say one thing and do another"?  

    She's a pro-life woman whose pregnant daughter is NOT having an abortion.    Her daughter and indeed her whole family are sticking to their pro-life principles.  

    So, she's not guilty of saying one thing and doing another.

    She's "guilty" of saying one thing and .... doing that same thing!


  5. McCains mother is 96 and looks great. Palin has more experience than Obama. So I think if you are OK with Obama's experience then you have to be OK with Palins.

  6. Not really worried about her being potential president; it is you Republicans that I am worried about; attacking McCain cos of his age, now Palin because of her family, what next?

  7. I think the concern is the mind of the liberal press.  Have not heard one scintilla of concern among the general population.  

  8. Yes I am. And Thomas P who do you think everyone on Yahoo Answers are...We are part of the general population!

  9. She reminds me of Anita Bryant.  Just because she is pretty woman does not give her leadership qualities...She is no Hillary Clinton.

  10. I'm more concerned about Obama becoming a potential President.

  11. She will show you God's way. Don't you WANT to know God's way? Well she'll show you anyhow.

  12. I'm way more concerned about Obama as potential president.

  13. Of course.

  14. There were more "experienced" men who could have filled the #2 spot but it's questionable whether they were electable because many Americans do not base their decision on a candidate's qualifications.  Palin is less experienced than someone like a Romney but I don't think that she's unqualified for the position.  

    I am much more concerned about Barack Obama as a potential president.  He has less experience than Palin and he's at the TOP of the Dem ticket.  Palin seems like she's smart, tough and focused on doing what's right for the American people.  She also has experience being the person in charge and has been in situations where she's made tough decisions.  People can judge for themselves whether they like the decisions she made and the process she used to reach them.  Obama gives a good speech but let's face it, it's all about HIM.  The man is a real egomaniac.  Power in the hands of an egomaniac can be very dangerous.  Especially when the power is placed in the hands of someone who's not used to being the ONE in charge, the FINAL decisionmaker.  I don't know what the h**l the press is doing ripping apart Palin when they've never gone through the same process with Obama.  Why haven't Obama's qualifications been vetted and challenged in the public eye in this manner?  You need to ask the question because there are so many questions about his experience and they are entirely glossed over by the press.  Why?

  15. Palin is a local politician whom has been thrust into the spotlight by an impetuous decision by Sen. McCain, this is very unfortunate.

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