
Is anyone else shocked as to how technical getting pregnant is!

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Trying for 6 months now...I just dont think we have been timing it right...I only found out about the whole ewcm thing the other week, Id been following an ovulation calender but I get this ewcm 10 days after AF (32 day cycle) so I guess I ovulate early so the calander was totally wrong, fingers crossed this month...huff




  1. so...whats ur question?

  2. No.  I just had s*x without contraception and tada.

  3. not shocked, i am a guy and i know how hard it is for u female to give birth, that is why family value is so important because ur bearing a child with such a hardship.

  4. I totally agree we have been trying for 24 months and turns out I was not ovulating. Glad that I went to the doctor in April to get things under way.  

  5. It seems it's very technical when you're actually trying. If you're not trying, it's like it just happens. Just try not to think about it and maybe it'll help!

    Good luck and baby dust to you! :D

    EDIT- Thumbs down? People get pregnant all the time on "accident".

  6. The act of s*x is a simple one, but the complexities of what takes place for a child to be conceived is facinating!

  7. it's ironic how people who want kids have to have s*x at precisely the right second when the moon is aligned with pluto's third sun (just kidding), but people "accidentally" get pregnant all the time.

    my husband and i started trying this month. we just plan to have s*x every day and hope for the best. ;-) sometimes, as with many things in life, when you try too hard it makes it nearly impossible.

  8. try some folic acid and give your spouse some  

  9. You will get pregnant one of these days.  My husband and I were dating for about a year and a half and we used no protection at all.  Then we get married and we were pregnant with in one month.  Go figure.

  10. Wow... Good luck!

  11. I am somewhat of an expert on the topic of ttc. My husband and I tried for 20 months straight without a single pregnancy... we're on a break now from trying, but have been getting very educated on the topic since we started.

    Yes, a lot of it is about timing. Do you take your temperature every morning (at the same time)? That's a great way to gauge when you'll ovulate, esp if you incorporate ovulation predictor kits (opk's). I would keep track of my temps on this website:  It's great because it helps you to figure out when you ovulate and tracks your symptoms.

    I know how frustrating it can be, even after just six months of ttc. But rest assured that the healthiest of men and women can take up to a year to conceive their first child. But if you feel that something is wrong, try talking to your OBGYN. He or she may refer you to a Reproductive Endocrinologist who in turn can test you for different stuff. And, you can have your hubby see a Urologist for seman analysis to make sure everything is good on his end.

    It seems so unfair when teens are popping out babies without effort, or people conceive on accident. I've been dealing with that forever now, and have seen it happen to people I know.

    Hang in there and keep trying. Give fertility friend a chance, it could really help you! And I truly hope this cycle is your month!

    ETA: I saw someone say to have s*x 2-3 times a day every day while you're fertile. NO. To ensure the healthiest and most numerous sperm, have s*x no more than once every other day during your fertile time. Healthy sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days, and by having s*x every other day you are sure to catch the window for fertilization. Any obgyn will tell you the same thing.

  12. It's only technical if you make it technical :o

  13. Yes! My mom had 7 children all planned and on the first shot. I got pregnant with my daughter on the first shot so I just assumed it would be as easy for me. Now, I've got 1 MC behind me, a possible chemical pregnancy and am on my 5th month trying. It's so weird how girls get pregnant by accident when it's this difficult! My fertile days this month are 8th - 11th, keeping my fingers crossed as well! Good luck to you!!!! I'll be sending the baby dust your way!

  14. Yea it's so scary that the people who actually want to get pregnant find it hard to whereas all those teenage girls who don't intend on getting pregnant do. I guess u shouldn't think of getting pregnant, maybe it's just in your head all the time.  

  15. I don't understand it at all !  Like I enjoy having s*x with my partner every day and the idea of not having to ever worry about protection sounds delightful to me, so I don't understand why people TTC aren't just going at it like rabbits !

  16. yes! what ever happened to just having passionate s*x with your partner and if you got pregnant then you did. why all these tests for ovulation. it turned into a job.

  17. it can be complicated..good luck!

  18. I am a CMA

    Just try the usual 14 days after your missed period method and have s*x 2 to 3 times every day for that week.. I have found that a lot of those websites are wrong... Go to two different sites and you will find that they will give you different answers

  19. No, it's always been something we were told about before we got into trouble.  It isn't really all that technical, but now that doctors charge so mich, they have to impress us with all they've learned.  It is good information if you're having trouble conceiving, but otherwise, do we really want to make it seem like a biology exam?

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