
Is anyone else sick of Jade Goody using her cancer to get publicity again?

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I just watched an advert for a new TV show with Jade, and she was shown in hospital, crying, talking about her cancer.

Does anyone else find it disgraceful that she's using her illness, which most of us here had to fight, to make herself liked again?

I felt like screaming when I saw that advert.




  1. The one good thing is that her case highlights that cancer can happen at any time;  there are still too many doctors who consider cancer is an old people's disease.

    When she comes out I am SURE she will be keen to help cancer charities - so she might do some good if she gets people to contribute.

    Verite R

  2. I'm with you all the way its an absolute disgrace  

  3. I feel sad for Jade, I feel respect for anybody who has to fight any illness - I think she has done some stupid things but she has not done anything to deserve this and she still gets blasted. Potentially, two little boys could lose their mother, I think she has more important things on her mind and gaining positive publicity I'm sure would not be one of them, getting better and being there for her boys surely is. Sorry, but I don't agree with kicking someone when they are down.

  4. Yeah, and she also makes out like she is the only one who has ever had it, and it is worse for her. i read an interview with her where she was like, "and after everything else ive already been through.." i mean for Gods sake, what exactly has she been through?? and if she has had bad stuff happen, is it any different to what others have already been through? i dont know why people even bother with her- it's not like she actually did anything to become "famous"

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