
Is anyone else sick of being preggo?

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Don't get me wrong I'm totally grateful for even being able to get pregnant and carry my little angel. But geez I'm so tired of being pregnant it feels like its been forever! I'm 32 weeks and the next 8 weeks or so are going to feel like eternity. Is anyone else feeling this way?




  1. i know  how you feel im only 29 wks and it feels like forever i cant wait for him to come its like sometimes i wish a baby grew overnight lol

  2. OMG I so feel your pain.  I am almost 36 weeks and ready to lose my mind.  I am on full bed rest because of issues and and miserable, uncomfortable and huge.  Its so sad I cannot get up by myself, cannot put on my shoes unless they are flip flops and just putting on pants is getting harder..... and yes I hear it only gets worse.  Good luck to you... I will be right there with you just as miserable!! :)

  3. this is a normal feeling at the end of your pregnancy but when it is over you will look back and think that it was a wonderful experience

  4. my baby was born @ 28 wks, tiny in NICU, don't complain, you got a long way to go

  5. Just be happy and thankful you made it that far. I don't think I could complain about a thing with this pregnancy, even though I've been so sick this time that I can't keep anything down I haven't complained. I've been so thankful for it. My first son was born at 24 wks 4 days, and passed away after 26 days. So I'm thankful for every day I can carry this little miracle.

  6. It is probably very normal...we are still TTC so I wouldn't know by experience. But my best advice is just to think back to when you were TRYING to get pregnant and how much you were looking forward to it, and hopefully it will help you through the last weeks. It won't last forever!  

  7. Yes.  I am 37 weeks along and I am sick of it.  It's been a difficult pregnancy, and I've done it all myself (the deadbeat dad walked out when I was 14 weeks along).  I'm tired, in pain, and all I want to do is rest and take it easy.  I get 1-2 hours of sleep per night, and I work 40+ hours a week.  This morning I left for work at 715, picked up my dog at the groomer's at 530, then went to the laundramat to do laundry, then went to Walmart to pick up groceries.  I put in a 15 hour day.  And I do it all with no public assistance!!  I deserve a frickin' medal.

  8. I personally wouldn't know, but I can't wait to experience pregnancy. I'm sure there will be a point where I'll just want the baby out, but, I'm excited to experience it all.  

  9. OH YEESSSS!!!

    I love my baby, don't get me wrong, but I am so tired of being fat, uncomfortable and 24/7 in pain... I have really bad back pain and get tired of practically nothing every 15 minutes... and to top it all of, nothing fits.... thank god I am 37 weeks and 4 days, so I should be done pretty soon... but hey, in the end I give my life for my little angel and thank god for my blessing!!  

  10. oh yeah i'm 38 weeks and just asked the question "how do i get this thing out" lol from 30 weeks i've been like you, wishing the days away, but from 30 weeks till 37 weeks flew by. now it's dragging i think every dang pain is labor starting and i keep feeling a weird sensation down below and i think my water is leaking but it's just a little discharge sorry tmi but really i know how u feel! it stinks the last weeks! hopefully they are quick for you and your baby will be here and healthy in no time. good luck!

  11. Ignore the people implying you are being ungrateful you are certainly entitled to feel this way!  Some people have easy pregnancies, some don't.  Some people enjoy being pregnant, some don't.  It doesn't make you want the baby any more or any less.

    I'm 30 weeks and starting to get over all my aches and pains now.  I'm looking forward to finishing work in 4 weeks so I can rest a bit more.  I enjoy "playing" with my bub - if I tickle my belly in certain spots he kicks back.  But more than anything i just want him out so I can snuggle him!

  12. You have a miracle inside of you and your complaining, I am 23 weeks and I cant wait to meet my little one I would never be sick of being pregnant its amazing

  13. I'm sick of not being pregnant.  I'd love to have more kids.  Being pregnant, although awkward and uncomfortable at times is a wonderful experience. Have you taken pictures of your belly, or drawn a face on it with your belly button for the nose?  How about using your belly for a tray to eat from?   See if the baby can kick something off you stomach.  Babies are a wonderful gift from God.  It goes by so fast, blink, and they're all grown up.  Please enjoy it while you can.

  14. I'm getting there...but I know it will be a VERY long time before I ever feel a baby moving around in there again so I'm fairly happy to wait patiently for her arrival. I've had a very easy pregnancy so I can't really complain. I'm pretty anxious for her arrival though. When will I go into labor? where will I be? etc.

    You're almost there :) keep up the good work momma!

    Best wishes and congrats!

  15. lol...I am 4 days away from my due date and I swear each day is just going by slower and slower so I know exactly how you feel...I just hope I don't go past my due date....Good Luck with your pregnancy (:

  16. Glad you said you are totally grateful.. I'd give anything to feel the "tiredness" you feel...

  17. oh just wait it gets worse!

    i am over 40 weeks now and it is hard enough to wait on the little one but then she is down so low it is very uncomfortable! good luck! my advise is to get lots of rest and do things to try and keep your mind of things. get as distracted as possible!

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