
Is anyone else sick of hearing the word "oil" used by liberals...?

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Who can't think of anything else to hate Bush for? h**l, I'm a conservative and while I don't hate him for it, I do think the Iraq war was a bad idea. Not because of oil, but because Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.




  1. I don't know him personally hate may be a strong word.....but believe me.....there are PLENTY of other reasons to dislike Bush, other than oil.

  2. We're also against the war, because Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. However, the reason why we talk so much about oil now is because the prices are rising and there are plenty of people who have a hard time getting by as a result.  

  3. Truth hurts?

    John McCain said the war was about oil!

    Alan Greenspan said it was about oil!.....

    "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil."

  4. No, but I find it amusing the way people from the south pronounce it......"ull"

    Who has profited most from the Iraqi war?

  5. Hmmm.  I don't understand why the Bush administration chose to invade, occupy and create a " US friendly " regime in Iraq.

    I don't hate Bush, but I do want to see him and Cheney in the dock at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

    If there was no oil in Iraq, why did Bush attack, invade and occupy this weakly defended country?

    And no, I am not sick of hearing about oil.  The president, vice president, and the secretary of state/ nee national security advisor + many others have clear ties to the oil industry.

  6. What I really love is how the leftist scream that this is a war for oil and yet our gas is now 4 bucks a gallon.  Odd, uh?

    Where is all this oil that we are allegedly getting from the war in Iraq?

    And while we all can see Bush has made mistakes, we have not had another attack on our soil since 9-11.  And for that I say Thank You President Bush!

  7. Not so much that as much as the stupidity and short-sightedness involved when people think that all oil is used for is to make gasoline for rich white people and their Hummer H2s.  

    You can't look 24" from your face without seeing an oil-based product.  Women don't even need to look that far if they're wearing make-up. But no...let's stop all oil and fuel our lives with hope.  

  8. Absolutely. But diddnt you know, (The liberals educated me on this this year) That bush is responsible for THE ENTIRE WORLDS oil crises?

    Thats right! That 3% that we provide in the us, and George bush, was responsible for the ENTIRE OIL CRASH!

    /sarcasm off

    Edit: Chris Mathews is your source??? PHULEASE! How would you like me to link Rush for you?

  9. They LOVE oil and know everything there is to know about it, they seem far more obsessed with the stuff than conservatives..

  10. Bush made the word 'OIL' a derogative by his idiotic actions


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